Now showing items 2808-2827 of 6097

    • Innovasjon i Oslo kommune - Bydel Grünerløkka 

      Brastad, Ole Kristian (Master thesis, 2023)
      Jeg har valgt å studere Bydel Grünerløkka som er en av 15 bydeler i Oslo kommune. Bydelen har et ønske om å arbeide med mye med innovasjon og har en egen strategi. Jeg har undersøkt hvor sterk innovasjonsevnen er og hvilke ...
    • Innovasjon som balansegang 

      Midttun, Atle; Ørjasæter, Nils-Otto (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
    • Innovasjon: Det du gjør, er ikke det de ser 

      Kurtmollaiev, Seidali; Lervik-Olsen, Line; Andreassen, Tor W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Norske bedrifter er opptatt av innovasjon. Motivasjonen er mangslungen. Noen innoverer for å kutte kostnader i produksjon og administrasjon eller for å bli mer bærekraftige. Andre ønsker å innovere i bedriftens eksisterende ...
    • Innovasjoner i strømmarkedet 

      Helgesen, Geir Christian; El-kelish, Karim Buvik Samir (Master thesis, 2022)
      Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven er en fasinasjon rundt veksten til de nye digitale strømsalgsselskapene i Norge, og da spesielt veksten til Tibber. Det har vært spennende å følge reisen til strøm fra å være et lav-interesse ...
    • Innovasjonsevne i norske bedrifter: Norsk innovasjonsindeks. 

      Lervik-Olsen, Line; Kurtmollaiev, Seidali; Andreassen, Tor Wallin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      I en BCG-undersøkelse fra 2015 fremkom det at omtrent 80 prosent av de intervjuede topplederne hadde definert innovasjon som en del av virksomhetens viktigste område, og hele 57 prosent hadde definert det som en av de tre ...
    • Innovasjonspartnerskap - En alternativ anskaffelsesprosedyre for innovative offentlige anskaffelser, med særlig fokus på anskaffelser innenfor helse- og omsorgssektoren 

      Sagflaten, Bente (Master thesis, 2021)
      Regjeringens mål er å ha en innovativ og effektiv offentlig sektor.1 I årene som kommer vil Norge møte store samfunnsutfordringer.2 Dette gjelder særlig innenfor helse- og omsorgssektoren, hvor antall eldre vil øke ...
    • Innovasjonssystemet i TINE Gruppa og Norsk Kjøttsamvirke BA 

      Ørjasæter, Nils-Otto (Research Report, Research report, 2003)
      Rapporten tar opp problemstillinger vedrørende Tine Gruppa og Norsk Kjøtt som innovasjonssystem. I tillegg diskuteres mulighetene som ligger i en videreutvikling av dette systemet. En rekke undersøkelser konkluderer ...
    • Innovating in Practice: A Practice-Theoretical Exploration of Discontinuous Service Innovations 

      Rai, Ranvir S. (Series of Dissertations;9/2016, Doctoral thesis, 2016-08-18)
      The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of technology-based service innovations. The overarching research question has been: How can we understand service innovation from a practice-theoretical ...
    • Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations 

      Bracht, Eva M.; Monzani, Lucas; Boer, Diana; Haslam, S. Alexander; Kerschreiter, Rudolf; Lemoine, Jérémy E; Steffens, Niklas K.; Akfirat, Serap Arslan; Avanzi, Lorenzo; Barghi, Bita; Dumont, Kitty B.; Edelmann, Charlotte M.; Epitropaki, Olga; Fransen, Katrien; Giessner, Steffen R.; Gleibs, Ilka H.; Gonzalez, Roberto; Lipponen, Jukka; Markovits, Yannis; Molero, Fernando; Leon, Juan A. Moriano; Neves, Pedro; Orosz, Gábor; Roland-Lévy, Christine; Schuh, Sebastian C.; Sekiguchi, Tomoki; Song, Lynda Jiwen; Story, Joana; Stouten, Jeroen; Tatachari, Srinivasan; Valdenegro, Daniel; van Bunderen, Lisanne; Voros, Viktor; Wong, Sut I; Youssef, Farida; Zhang, Xin-an; Van Dick, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Innovation is considered essential for today's organizations to survive and thrive. Researchers have also stressed the importance of leadership as a driver of followers' innovative work behavior (FIB). Yet, despite a large ...
    • Innovation alliances: a case study of the Norwegian financial services industry 

      Andersen, Kevin Aksel; Leivestad, Kristina Lund (Master thesis, 2017)
      The objective of this master thesis is to study the connection between strategic alliances and innovation. We conducted an explorative case study of alliance formations in the Norwegian financial industry from 2014 to ...
    • Innovation forecast: un-avoidable and context dependent 

      Waluszewski, Alexandra; Ingemansson, Malena; Håkansson, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Industrial marketing and purchasing is an interesting phenomenon. On the surface it appears as very mundane, a simple day-to-day activity performed by purchasers, sales personnel, and technical specialists; i.e. most often ...
    • Innovation governance in the forest sector: Reviewing concepts, trends and gaps 

      Weiss, Gerhard; Hansen, Eric; Ludvig, Alice; Nybakk, Erlend; Toppinen, Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Innovation in the forest sector is a growing research interest and within this field, there is a growing attention for institutional, policy and societal dimensions and particular when it comes to the question of how to ...
    • Innovation in networks : challenges and opportunities in the Norwegian aid industry 

      Danielsen, Melina Louise Forsmo (Master thesis, 2017)
      Pursuing innovative activities in collaboration with other actors in a network may entail both challenges and opportunities for firms. While the traditional approach to innovation was that firms should keep their work ...
    • Innovation in Public Services: Wicked Problems and Multi-layered Solutions 

      Røste, Rannveig (Series of Dissertation;6/2018, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      During the last decade, innovation in public services has been addressed as a universal tool for improving existing public services and solving grand social challenges. The problem is that a range of promising concepts ...
    • Innovation management in networked economies 

      Håkansson, Håkan; Olsen, Per Ingvar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Business network research, service-dominant logic and service system thinking all reflect an interactional interpretation of value creation as the fundamental approach to understanding modern economies and business ...
    • Innovation networks or innovation within networks 

      Rubach, Synnøve; Hoholm, Thomas; Håkansson, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a longitudinal case study of a regional innovation policy initiative, in which ideas with regard to how innovation might be facilitated were changing over time. Through the ...
    • Innovation on technological “islands”: domain contrast, boundary spanning, knowledge depth and breadth 

      Ubisch, Sverre Søyland; Wang, Pengfei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Prior literature has long examined innovation as a recombination process within or across the boundaries of technological domains. However, limited attention is paid to boundaries per se. Building upon recent development ...
    • Innovation under Pressure: Implications for Data Privacy during the Covid-19 Pandemic 

      Newlands, Gemma Elisabeth Marjorie; Lutz, Christoph; Tamò-Larrieux, Aurelia; Fosch Villaronga, Eduard; Harasgama, Rehana; Scheitlin, Gil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The global Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in social and economic disruption unprecedented in the modern era. Many countries have introduced severe measures to contain the virus, including travel restrictions, public event ...
    • Innovation, strategy and identity: a case study from the food industry 

      Hoholm, Thomas; Strønen, Fred H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Purpose – Current research focus on the interaction between innovation and strategy process, but less is known about how identity influences innovation and the formation of strategy. The purpose of this paper is therefore ...
    • Innovative Capabilities in International Professional Service Firms: Enabling Trade-Offs between Past, Present and Future Service Provision 

      Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild; Hydle, Katja Maria; Brehmer, Per Olof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This study examines the relationship between service provision and innovation in international professional service firms (IPSFs). Through an extended study in one IPSF, we find that innovation stems from the provision of ...