Mandatory Disclosure of Non-financial Information : The effect of introducing regulation on non-financial disclosure - Evidence from Norway
This study investigates the effects of the introduction of the Norwegian
Accounting Act on Non-Financial Disclosure and the removal of the transition
rule. We investigate whether Norwegian firms have increased their disclosure
on the mandated topics in terms of key performance indicators, narrative
disclosure and the outside-in impact of the environment relative to a control
group. Our sample consists of Norwegian firms listed on Oslo Stock Exchange
and a matched control group of US firms. We use computer-assisted textual
analysis to measure disclosure in firms’ annual- and sustainability reports, and
a difference-in-difference model to investigate the treatment effect. We find
that Norwegian firms have increased their disclosure on all disclosure measures
throughout the sample period, and a significant increase in disclosure on the
impact on the external environment and the outside-in impact of the external
environment. We conclude that both events have induced Norwegian firms to
increase their non-financial disclosure, and had a treatment effect in terms of
the above-mentioned disclosure measures.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Finance - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2022