Goal-Based Portfolios - A mean-variance optimization approach with subportfolios -
This thesis analysis the goal-based portfolio optimization approach and compares
it to established theories of portfolio management. First, we review previous
literature on the topic of portfolio optimization. Second, we identify the investor’s
problem and define the methodology. Further, we perform a quantitative analysis
of the goal-based portfolio optimization approach. We use historical asset returns
to simulate future portfolio outcomes and analyse the performance of an
investment according to goal-based portfolio theory. We find that by dividing an
investment into multiple subportfolios, and optimizing each subportfolio
separately, decreases the portfolios probability of failure. We conclude that an
investor, with specific goals beyond attaining highest possible return, is better off
investing in subportfolios as opposed to a single portfolio.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Finance - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2018