Should consumers participating in co-creation be compensated? A study of customer participation in high- and low- involvement processes
This paper examines how and why co-creation leads to satisfaction and purchase
intention. An online study portrayed to look like a company asking for help in cocreation
manipulated participants to engage in either an exchange or communal
relationship, as well as varied the level of participant involvement. The results
indicate that consumers who form an exchange relationship with the company and
are compensated for co-creation reach significantly higher levels of satisfaction
and purchase intention than consumers who are enticed to form a communal
relationship and complete co-creation as a favor. These findings indicate that
managers should compensate consumers in their co-creation initiatives, and
refrain from trying to form communal-based relationships with participating
consumers. The present study also finds that satisfaction mediates the effects of
relationship framing on purchase intention completely, whereas higher
involvement directly leads to higher purchase intention. Taken together, these
findings shed light on the causal link between the underlying psychological
processes and resulting value outcomes in co-creation. Theoretical and managerial
implications are discussed to help companies maximize the value of their cocreation
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2018