Multinational Tax Avoidance and Tax Policy
Previous literature provides evidence that multinational corporations (MNC) are
significantly less profitable in terms of taxable income than domestic controlled
corporations (DCC) in Norway. The differential in taxable income profitability is
partly attributed to MNCs’ tax avoidance behavior. This paper aims to
complement these studies by looking at recent data and extend the literature by
considering recent tax policy changes in Norway, i.e. corporate tax cuts and the
introduction of the interest barrier rule. With a sample of 724 087 observations
spread over ten years, we get results consistent with multinational tax avoidance.
When controlling for firm size, age, industry, leverage and asset composition,
MNCs have on average a 1.1% lower taxable income profitability than DCCs.
Corporations changing status from DCC to MNC experience a reduction in the
taxable income profitability by 0.57%. Though significant, our results indicate a
reduction in multinational tax avoidance when comparing with Langli and
Saudagaran (2004) and Balsvik, Jensen, Møen, and Tropina (2009). Adoption of
the interest barrier rule results in a significantly positive treatment effect on tax
profitability of affected firms. However, we do not get significant results for
MNCs. Attempting to isolate the effect of a corporate tax cut does not yield any
indications of reduced multinational tax avoidance.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Business law, tax and accounting - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2018