• Individual differences in fear and self-distancing predict information processing via problem construal 

      Mayiwar, Lewend; Hærem, Thorvald; Furnham, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In two preregistered online studies (NTotal = 984; Prolific), we examined how individual differences in fear and self-distancing predict information processing in decision-making involving risk in a business scenario. ...
    • Individuell prestasjonsbasert belønning, motivasjon og prestasjoner 

      Kuvaas, Bård (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Det er i forskningsmessig sammenheng ikke mulig å si noe generelt og samtidig riktig om sammenhengen mellom belønninger og prestasjoner. Både teoretisk og empirisk er egenskaper ved ulike belønningsformer og arbeidsoppgavenes ...
    • Inequalities in Privacy Cynicism: An Intersectional Analysis of Agency Constraints 

      Hoffmann, Christian Pieter; Lutz, Christoph; Ranzini, Giulia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      A growing body of research highlights a trend toward widespread attitudes of privacy cynicism, apathy, and resignation among Internet users. In this work, we extend these discussions by concentrating on the concept of user ...
    • Inequalities in Social Media Use and their Implications for Digital Methods Research 

      Lutz, Christoph (Chapter, 2022)
      Inequalities in social media have been investigated under the umbrella of a digital divide. Research has shown how inequalities based on social categories are perpetuated or even reinforced with digital technologies. ...
    • The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Stakeholders in Different Business Contexts 

      Ghanbarpour, Tohid; Crosby, Lawrence; Johnson, Michael; Gustafsson, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The authors explore two important topics related to this special issue. One is how corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities impacts stakeholders, more specifically customers and shareholders/investors. Second is ...
    • Influencing factors of horizontal leaders' role identity in projects: A sequential mixed method approach 

      Zhu, Fangwei; Wang, Linzhuo; Sun, Mouxuan; Sun, Xiuxia; Müller, Ralf Josef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Horizontal leadership is temporary and often short-term compared with vertical leadership. Therefore, the role identity of horizontal leaders' is more difficult to be legitimated. In this study, we investigated how different ...
    • Information Quality and Workplace Safety 

      Hope, Ole-Kristian; Wang, Danye; Yue, Heng; Zhao, Jianyu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This paper examines the effect of internal information quality on workplace safety. Using establishmentlevel data on workplace injuries from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and employing a strict ...
    • Information Sharing and Information Acquisition in Credit Markets 

      Karapetyan, Artashes; Stacescu, Bogdan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      We examine the effect of information sharing via credit bureaus or credit registers on banks’ incentives to collect information about their borrowers. Information asymmetries have been identified as an important source ...
    • Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research 

      Cui, Tony Haitao; Ghose, Anindya; Halaburda, Hanna; Iyengar, Raghuram; Pauwels, Koen; Sriram, S; Tucker, Catherine; Venkataraman, Sriraman (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Omnichannel marketing is often viewed as the panacea for one-to-one marketing, but this strategic path is mired with obstacles. This article investigates three challenges in realizing the full potential of omnichannel ...
    • Innenfor eller utenfor? En studie av varslingens ettervirkninger blant personer med varslererfaring i og utenfor arbeidslivet 

      Bjørkelo, Brita; Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Varsling er når en ansatt sier ifra om kritikkverdige handlinger på arbeidsplassen til noen som er i stand til å gjøre noe med det. Studier gjennomført i rene varslerutvalg finner at andelen av ansatte som opplever negative ...
    • Innholdsmarkedsføring i praksis 

      Bang, Tor (Chapter, 2016)
      This chapter is partly conceptual, based on state-of-the-art market communication and public relations research, and partly empirical, based on text analysis and interviews with industry practitioners and leaders. We ...
    • Innovasjon: Det du gjør, er ikke det de ser 

      Kurtmollaiev, Seidali; Lervik-Olsen, Line; Andreassen, Tor W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Norske bedrifter er opptatt av innovasjon. Motivasjonen er mangslungen. Noen innoverer for å kutte kostnader i produksjon og administrasjon eller for å bli mer bærekraftige. Andre ønsker å innovere i bedriftens eksisterende ...
    • Innovation forecast: un-avoidable and context dependent 

      Waluszewski, Alexandra; Ingemansson, Malena; Håkansson, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Industrial marketing and purchasing is an interesting phenomenon. On the surface it appears as very mundane, a simple day-to-day activity performed by purchasers, sales personnel, and technical specialists; i.e. most often ...
    • Innovation Through Crisis Journalism and News Media in Transition 

      Solvoll, Mona Kristin; Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine (Book, 2024)
      This book provides insights into the interplay between crisis, resilience, and innovation within news media. Examining how Norwegian news media adapted and innovated during the Covid-19 pandemic, it offers new knowledge ...
    • Innovative Capabilities in International Professional Service Firms: Enabling Trade-Offs between Past, Present and Future Service Provision 

      Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild; Hydle, Katja Maria; Brehmer, Per Olof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This study examines the relationship between service provision and innovation in international professional service firms (IPSFs). Through an extended study in one IPSF, we find that innovation stems from the provision of ...
    • Inntektssystemet for kommunene : Lokale skatteinntekter 

      Borge, Lars-Erik; Krehic, Lana; Nyhus, Ole Henning; Rattsø, Jørn; Sørensen, Rune Jørgen; Leyen, Kaja von der (Research report, 2022)
      Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet som et underlag for Inntektssystemutvalgets vurderinger av lokal beskatning, beskatningsfrihet og utforming av skatteutjevningen ved ...
    • Insights from transaction data: Norwegian aquaculture exports 

      Straume, Hans-Martin; Landazuri-Tveteraas, Ursula; Oglend, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper discusses how transaction data can be used to shed light on trade dynamics in seafood exports, with Norwegian salmon exports as the case. There is a large literature on exports and imports of salmon between ...
    • Institutional antecedents of subsidiary external embeddedness: Coping with regulatory competitive constraints 

      Santangelo, Grazia D; Dellestrand, Henrik; Andersson, Ulf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We investigate institutional antecedents to subsidiary external embeddedness and relate regulation constraining competition in local service sectors to subsidiary embeddedness with local partners in complementary sectors. ...
    • Institutional dynamics in international organizations: Lessons from the recruitment procedures of the European External Action Service 

      Murdoch, Zuzana; Geys, Benny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This article examines how organisational designs develop by proposing a novel theoretical framework that views organisational change as resulting from a dialectic process between interpretive agents. The key claim is that ...
    • Institutions and inward foreign direct investment in the primary sectors 

      Rygh, Asmund; Torgersen, Kristine; Benito, Gabriel R G (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Abstract Purpose Well-functioning institutions are repeatedly claimed to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) by reducing the costs and uncertainty of economic activity. Nonetheless, it has been argued that institutions ...