Now showing items 80-99 of 132

    • Norges Bank Watch 2007 

      Goodfriend, Marvin; Mork, Knut Anton; Söderström, Ulf (Norges Bank Watch Report Series;, Research report, 2007)
      The Norwegian economy presents some unique challenges for monetary policy, not only because it is smaller and more open than most, but also because of the many supply shocks that the country has experienced in recent ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2008 

      Juel, Steinar; Molnar, Krisztina Molnar; Røed, Knut (Norges Bank Watch Report Series;, Research report, 2008)
      Norges Bank has gone a long way in being open about its decisions and it is one of the most transparent central banks; this report makes a few recommendations about further improving the bank in this respect. Since Norges ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2009 

      Bergman, Michael; Juel, Steinar; Steigum, Erling (Norges Bank Watch Report Series;, Research report, 2009)
      This report evaluates the conduct of monetary policy in Norway in 2008. We will not discuss the institutional framework for monetary policy. The report offers, however, an evaluation of the new price index, CPIXE, which ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2010 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Clarida, Richard; Holvik, Elisabeth (Norges Bank Watch Report Series;, Research report, 2010)
      The international recession triggered by the financial crisis is often called “The Great Recession” because it is the deepest after World War II, and it did not turn into a full scale depression like in the 1930s. An ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2011 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Wilhelmsen, Bjørn Roger (Norges Bank Watch report series;2011, Research report, 2011)
      Each year the Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at The Department of Economics, BI Norwegian School of Management appoints an independent group of experts to evaluate monetary policy in Norway. The Ministry of Finance ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2012 

      Torvik, Ragnar; Vredin, Anders; Wilhelmsen, Bjørn Roger (Norges Bank Watch report series;2012, Research report, 2012)
      Each year the Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at The Department of Economics, BI Norwegian School of Management appoints an independent group of experts to evaluate monetary policy in Norway.
    • Norges Bank Watch 2013: An Independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Boye, Katrine Godding; Sveen, Tommy (Norges Bank Watch;2013, Research report, 2013)
      This report, Norges Bank Watch 2013, is an evaluation of the conduct of monetary policy in Norway in 2012. In addition, the report follows up on some themes introduced in previous Norges Bank Watch reports. In section ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2014: An Independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Mork, Knut Anton; Freixas, Xavier; Aamdal, Kyrre (Norges Bank Watch;2014, Research report, 2014)
      This report is based on careful considerations of Norges Bank’s policy decisions, Monetary Policy Reports (MPR), and other communication, during 2013. We have also benefitted from extensive discussions with representatives ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2015: An Independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Aamdal, Kyrre; Lommerud, Kjell Erik (Norges Bank Watch;2015, Research report, 2015)
      In 2014, like the year before, Norges Bank’s Executive Board held six monetary policy meetings where it decided key policy interest rates. The policy rate was changed in December only, but interest rate forecasts were ...
    • Norges Bank Watch 2016: An Independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Bruce, Erik; Gottfries, Nils; Lommerud, Kjell Erik (Norges Bank Watch;2016, Research report, 2016-03)
    • Norges Bank Watch 2017: An independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Bruce, Erik; Sveen, Tommy (Norges Bank Watch;2017, Research report, 2017-02)
    • Norges Bank Watch 2018: An independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway 

      Fjære, Jeanette S.; Sveen, Tommy (Norges Bank Watch;2018, Research report, 2018)
      Each year the Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at The Department of Economics, BI Norwegian Business School, appoints an independent group of experts to evaluate monetary policy in Norway. This year the committee consists ...
    • Norsk Investorforum skriver brev 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;3/2001, Working paper, 2001)
    • Norsk økonomi etter 1980 – fra krise til suksess 

      Steigum, Erling (CME Working Paper Series;4/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Norsk økonomi anno 2010 fremstår som en stor suksess. Det er bare Luxemburg som nå har en høyere kjøpekraftskorrigert brutto nasjonalinntekt per innbygger enn Norge blant OECDlandene. Det er illustrerende at norsk økonomi ...
    • Norway and the Euro 

      Skånland, Hermod (CME Working paper series;8/1999, Working paper, 1999)
    • A note on the concept of risk 

      Houg, Kjetil (CME Working paper series;1/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      This paper is about risk and about a critical view of the risk concepts we normally apply. That said, my ambition is not to launch a formal criticism of theoretical aspects of risk in financial markets, nor to make you ...
    • Om finanskrisen i USA 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;6/2008, Working paper, 2008)
      Arbeidsnotatet søker å gi et bilde av hva som har skjedd i det amerikanske finansmarkedet siden krisen startet tidlig i august 2007.
    • Om nye virkemidler i pengepolitikken : avgrensning mellom pengepolitikken og finanspolitikken 

      Alstadheim, Ragna (CME Working paper series;3/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      Under finanskrisen innførte mange sentralbanker nye typer utlån og kjøpte verdipapirer de vanligvis ikke handler i. Bruk av slike nye virkemidler og utvidet volum på tradisjonelle instrumenter ga større sentralbankbalanser. ...
    • Om spekulasjon i valutamarkedet 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working Paper Series;3/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Investeringer i aksjer og obligasjoner kan påregnes å gi positiv avkastning over tid. Aksjekurser stiger, og tidvis betales det utbytte. Obligasjoner gir jevnlige renteutbetalinger. Penger satt av for spekulasjon i ...
    • Et passende penge- og valutapolitisk regime 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;1/2001, Working paper, 2001)