Browsing Student papers by Subject "markedsføringsledelse marketing management strategisk strategic "
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
– Building Green Trust Through Advertising – How can companies build green trust through advertising in a world of greenwashing chaos? The moderating role of green involvement and green skepticism.
(Master thesis, 2022)The trend of companies implementing green marketing to differentiate their brands by turning towards environmental sustainability is increasing (Chen & Chang, 2012). However, not all green marketing claims accurately ... -
Digital Luxury : Understanding the role of digital marketing for luxury brands. Is it a tool for generating sales or building brand reputation?
(Master thesis, 2022)The world is constantly developing in a more digital direction. As a result, the strategic choices brands make today, includes less traditional marketing (Kotler et al., 2016). However, it is argued by several experts such ... -
Ecolabels in the market of red meat – Is it effective?
(Master thesis, 2022)This study examines the effect of third-party certified (TPC) ecolabels on the purchase intention of red meat products. In addition, the moderating effect of ecolabel credibility and environmental concern were investigated. ... -
The Effect of Supply Chain Transparency: The Key to Closing the Attitude-Behavior Gap within Green Consumerism?
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis addresses the attitude-behavior gap among sustainable products and the effects of supply chain transparency. This will give us an indication of whether companies need to have more transparency in the ... -
The effect of video content on consumer engagement and brand attitude
(Master thesis, 2022)Marketing is becoming increasingly advanced and has evolved rapidly in recent years, making marketing communication ever more important. By looking at content marketing, the authors have addressed a relevant field that is ... -
The effect of VR on brand resonance
(Master thesis, 2022)This research examines how brand resonance is influenced by Virtual Reality (VR). More precisely, we analyze how it would be impacted based on the visualization format used to present a product’s brand (2D vs VR). We ... -
Employer Branding and its Impact on Brand Equity : A study examining the influence that different employer branding initiatives have on brand preferences among consumers and employees
(Master thesis, 2022)For most firms the main objectives are to generate sales and profit. However, behind the bases of generating sales and profits, there are a bunch of strategic issues firms need to overcome when achieving success with its ... -
An examination of attribution of responsibility: Platform versus advertiser data collection practices and online behavioral advertising on social media
(Master thesis, 2022)The purpose of this thesis is to understand how different data collection practices and usage of personal data in advertising affects consumers’ experiences when using social media platforms. More specifically, the thesis ... -
Influencing consumers through packaging design: a study on perceptions of healthiness and naturalness “How does the visualization of the ingredient vs the final product influence consumers’ perception of healthiness and naturalness, and their likeliness-to-buy?”
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis explores the relationship between product packaging visualization on consumers’ perceived healthiness and naturalness, and in turn their purchase intentions. The research also includes the influence of ... -
The Need to Do Good: How to Succeed With a Green Strategy
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis investigates the effect of green initiative and brand image separately and jointly. We hypothesize that green philanthropic behavior leads to greater perceived product quality than green core attributes. ... -
Not so tall, white, and skinny anymore? How the image-shift in social media advertising affects young women’s happiness.
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis was inspired by the observation of the imagery shift in social media advertising. Previously, the norm has been to epitomize a perfect image in line with Western beauty ideals. Recently, this perfect image ... -
Opening the barn doors: Effects of Farm Animal Welfare Disclosure on Perceived Transparency
(Master thesis, 2022)One of the most topical issues of agriculture today is farm animal welfare (FAW). Agricultural corporations struggle to get through the minefield of transparent corporate communication and are regularly subjected to public ... -
"Out with the old, in with the new". How does the corporate rebranding of a nationally attached organization influence a consumer's brand perception?
(Master thesis, 2022)Brands are an essential communication tool organisations utilise to develop their relationship with consumers. Some brands attempt to create a strong connection via attachment to nationality using nationally attached ... -
Overcoming the barriers of shopping fresh foods online : An explorative study of the Norwegian online grocery market
(Master thesis, 2022)Online grocery shopping is a rather new phenomenon but has had considerable growth during the last few years. As a result of the pandemic, online grocery shopping had an uplifting trend due to the need for less physical ... -
The power of nudging applied to sustainable fashion consumption
(Master thesis, 2022)Previous research indicates a growing attitude towards buying sustainable products. This has led to an increased focus among several fashion brands to make it easier for their consumers to buy environmentally friendly ... -
Shaping the Future of Sustainable Packaging: The Effect of Enuironmental Cues on Consumer Responses for Home Care Products
(Master thesis, 2022)Inspired by the continuously evolving changes that are happening within the field of sustainable packaging, this thesis examines the way packaging material and eco-labeling as environmental cues affect consumers' purchase ... -
The Spillouer Effect in The Dark Market
(Master thesis, 2022)This research aims to analyse and evaluate to what extent marketing of a company’s non-alcoholic beer influences customer purchase intention of the company’s alcoholic beer. Through a quantitative study, the collected data ... -
The spillover effect in the dark market
(Master thesis, 2022)This research aims to analyse and evaluate to what extent marketing of a company’s non-alcoholic beer influences customer purchase intention of the company’s alcoholic beer. Through a quantitative study, the collected data ... -
Sportswashed sponsorships – Can they be justified? An analysis of what factors may reduce the potential harm to Coca-Cola’s corporate image as a result of sponsoring the FIFA World Cup 2022
(Master thesis, 2022)This study examines factors that may reduce the potential harm to Coca-Cola’s corporate image caused by sponsoring the sportswashed event FIFA World Cup 2022. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate ... -
Understanding Norwegian service customers motivations and barriers of service robot adoption
(Master thesis, 2022)The innovation of artificial intelligent powered service robots has rapidly revolutionized the service sector by increasing competitiveness and maximizing efficiency. Therefore, an increasing number of service organizations ...