Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 6046-6065 of 6201
What is the effect of macroeconomic news on the VIX?
(Master thesis, 2018)This study investigates the impact of different macroeconomic variables on the VIX index. It introduces the index itself, and the global events which have affected it severely. The investigating model builds on empirical ... -
What Is the Empirical Relationship Between Trading Volume and Stock Returns on Oslo Stock Exchange?
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis we have investigated the relationship between stock return and trading volume at the Oslo Stock exchange. Our research question was ”What is the empirical relationship between trading volume and stock ... -
What is the impact of the down payment requirement on the housing market in Oslo?
(Master thesis, 2018)On March 1st 2010 the Norwegian government implemented a down payment requirement of 10%, later increased to 15% on December 1st 2011. The down payment requirement states the amount of equity needed to be applicable for ... -
What is the relationship between ESG Performance and Financial Constraints? Evidence from Europe
(Master thesis, 2021)The importance of the ESG and firm behavior connection has evolved rapidly in recent years. The introduction of EU’s Green Deal in 2020 la- beled Europe as a particularly interesting area for further research. Prior academic ... -
What is the right thing to do? The constitutive role of organizational ethical frameworks in collective ethical sensemaking
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the complex realm of ethical decision making, organizations are increasingly developing comprehensive ethical frameworks as guides. These frameworks prescribe ethical principles and decision-making processes to steer ... -
What kinds of countries have better innovation performance?–A country-level fsQCA and NCA study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Innovation is critical to boosting economic growth and combating social problems. Based on national innovation systems, this study investigates how combinations of multiple factors (i.e., R&D investment, human capital, ... -
'What lies behind the filter?’ Uncovering the motivations for using augmented reality (AR) face filters on social media and their effect on well-being
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Augmented reality (AR) filters are a popular social media feature affording users a variety of visual effects. Despite their widespread use, no research to date has examined either ‘why’ people use them (i.e., motivations) ... -
What makes a helpful and improvement-oriented colleague? : the role of perceived supervisor-organization value congruence in the relationship between leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behaviour
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)This study investigated whether perceived supervisor-organization value congruence (PVC) may serve as a moderator in the relationship between leadermember exchange (LMX) and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). ... -
What makes employees stay? Mastery climate, psychological need satisfaction and on-the-job embeddedness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Job embeddedness was developed as a new perspective to explain employee retention, and recent research has demonstrated its predictive power of voluntary turnover. However, little is known about factors that might influence ... -
What makes NFTs valuable to consumers? Perceived value drivers associated with NFTs liking, purchasing, and holding
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that exist in a given blockchain. NFT projects, containing unique collections of these assets, are blockchain-based companies that deliver value to customers. Why do ... -
What merits greater scholarly attention in international business?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Scholarly efforts to propose future directions for international business (IB) research have generated a timely and extensive inventory of potentially interesting areas of research. We supplement this line of inquiry by ... -
What motivates managers to pursue corporate social responsibility (CSR)? A survey among key stakeholders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Following several decades of scholarship with several disciplinary points of departure, there is today a great heterogeneity of theories and approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Taking a pragmatist position ... -
What motivates people to purchase sustainable luxurious products rather than more luxurious non-green products?
(Master thesis, 2020)This Master thesis aims to analyze what motivate consumers to purchase sustainable luxurious products rather than more-luxurious non-green products. In order to do so, the degree of liking of luxury and the sensitivity ... -
What positive impact does cultural diversity have on team outcomes? Ways of increasing its advantages. Systematic Literature Review.
(Master thesis, 2022)In a rapidly changing, unforeseeable and uncertain business environment (and not only in the business environment) not to lag and follow business processes are one of the essential tools for achieving success. One of the ... -
What prevents women from reaching the top?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We use rich data on all business, economics, and engineering graduates in Sweden to study the lack of women among chief executive officers (CEOs). A comprehensive battery of graduates’ characteristics explains 40% of the ... -
What relationship exists between oil prices, lithium prices and electric vehicle Growth : Is lithium really becoming a substitute for oil?
(Master thesis, 2016)The world is continuously shifting from fossil fuel to more environmental friendly sources of energy. Many articles and recognized newspapers have questioned the prevalence of oil as the main source of energy, particularly ... -
What strengthens and weakens psychological safety in sales teams under Covid-19 and sudden virtuality?
(Master thesis, 2021)March 2020, the world was surprised by Covid-19, a fast-spreading pandemic, which forced organizations, such as Tech-Org, to suddenly overnight work virtually. Our research setting is Tech-Org, an international organization ... -
What we do in the shadows – how expert workers reclaim control in digitalized and centralized organizations through ‘stealth work’
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Organizations often depend on experts to carry out complex tasks that require specialized or tacit knowledge. Yet, organizations often want to increase their control over how tasks are performed and thus reduce the autonomy ... -
What's Your Talent Philosophy? Talent as Construct Versus Talent as Phenomenon
(Chapter, 2022)In this chapter, I propose an integrative framework for theorizing and empiricizing about talent management, based on the notion of “talent philosophies.” I believe that current debates about whether talent management ... -
What’s mine is yours (for a nominal fee): exploring the spectrum of utilitarian to altruistic motives for Internet-mediated sharing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this contribution, we scrutinize the diverse motives for internet-mediated sharing as well as their role in shaping attitudes towards sharing one’s possessions in commercialized as well as non-commercialized settings. ...