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Individual differences in fear and self-distancing predict information processing via problem construal
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In two preregistered online studies (NTotal = 984; Prolific), we examined how individual differences in fear and self-distancing predict information processing in decision-making involving risk in a business scenario. ... -
Individual differences in sensitivity to taste-shape crossmodal correspondences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)People generally associate curved and symmetrical shapes with sweetness, while associating angular and asymmetrical shapes with the other basic tastes (e.g., sour, bitter). However, these group-level taste-shape correspondences ... -
Individual entrepreneurial exit and earnings in subsequent paid employment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We study earnings of individuals who exit entrepreneurship for paid employment. We find mean (median) positive rewards from entrepreneurship in subsequent paid employment relative to matched employees. Rewards are higher ... -
Individual Pay for Performance, Controlling Effects, and Intrinsic Motivation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A core question in research on compensation and motivation is whether individual variable pay for performance (IVPFP) can undermine intrinsic motivation in the workplace. We investigated the mediating role of a controlling ... -
Individuell prestasjonsbasert belønning, motivasjon og prestasjoner
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Det er i forskningsmessig sammenheng ikke mulig å si noe generelt og samtidig riktig om sammenhengen mellom belønninger og prestasjoner. Både teoretisk og empirisk er egenskaper ved ulike belønningsformer og arbeidsoppgavenes ... -
Indre motivasjon på hjemmekontor under en Pandemi
(Master thesis, 2021)Tall fra delrapporten “Hjemmekontor: Utbredelse og sentrale kjennetegn våren 2021” til hovedprosjektet “Kartlegging av omfang, utviklingstrekk og konsekvenser av bruk av hjemmekontor og annet fjernarbeid” som er utarbeidet ... -
Indre, ytre og prososial motivasjon på kort og lang sikt
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan mennesker forholder seg til faktorer innenfor motivasjon og hvordan de vektlegger belønninger på kort og lang sikt. Først vil vi ta for oss relevante teorier og forskning ... -
Industrial electricity : the business cycle and state level risk premiums
(Master thesis, 2017)Industrial electricity usage measured at the state level can predict stock returns of companies with headquarters in the state. Although predictive powers vary from state to state, we show that in general there is a state ... -
Industrial renewal within the construction network
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)ABSTRACT The construction business network is generally seen as conservative and non-innovative, for which a number of reasons have been identified. One of which relates to the special inter-organisational setting that ... -
Industry Institutions and Their Effects on Indirect Emissions in the Norwegian Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industry : A comparative case study of institutional aspects in state-owned and private firms
(Master thesis, 2022)In our master’s thesis, we examine which industry institutions affect actors’ measures to reduce their indirect CO2 emissions in the Norwegian architectural, engineering and construction industry. The industry is ... -
Industry Momentum, Momentum Behavior and Market States: An analysis of different momentum sources under different market states
(Master thesis, 2022)Momentum strategies have proved to be very profitable and widely used among investors. Despite this, research has found that they can also experience substantial losses. This thesis focus on studying momentum behavior from ... -
The Inefficient Combination: Competitive Markets, Free Entry, and Democracy
(CAMP Working Paper Series;02/2021, Working paper, 2021-01-27)We show that under fairly general conditions, the combination of (i) competitive markets, (ii) free entry, and (iii) democracy is inconsistent with allocative efficiency. This fundamental impossibility result, which has ... -
Inequalities in Privacy Cynicism: An Intersectional Analysis of Agency Constraints
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)A growing body of research highlights a trend toward widespread attitudes of privacy cynicism, apathy, and resignation among Internet users. In this work, we extend these discussions by concentrating on the concept of user ... -
Inequalities in Social Media Use and their Implications for Digital Methods Research
(Chapter, 2022)Inequalities in social media have been investigated under the umbrella of a digital divide. Research has shown how inequalities based on social categories are perpetuated or even reinforced with digital technologies. ... -
Infant care transfers: simulating neonatal infant pathways and transfers across a neonatal network
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Neonatal care for preterm and sick babies is organised into local areas around the United Kingdom, called Operational Delivery Networks. These networks coordinate between providers to ensure babies have the required care, ... -
Infinite diameter confidence sets in Hedges’ publication bias model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Meta-analysis, the statistical analysis of results from separate studies, is a fundamental building block of science. But the assumptions of classical meta-analysis models are not satisfied whenever publication bias is ... -
Inflasjonsstyring - noen internasjonale erfaringer
(CME Working paper series;2/2003, Working paper, 2003)I denne artikkelen gjennomgås sentrale makroøkonomiske utviklingstrekk i fem industrialiserte land som innførte inflasjonsstyring på begynnelsen av 1990-tallet. Disse landene hadde gjennomgående høyere og mer variabel ... -
Inflation and Its Distributional Effects on Wealth
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper examines the impact of inflation on wealth distribution in the United States. Through a synthesis of empirical findings and economic theory, we undertake a comprehensive analysis of how inflation influences the ... -
Inflation expectations and the pass-through of oil prices
(CAMP Working Paper Series;03/2020, Working paper, 2020-06-25)Do inflation expectations and the associated pass-though of oil price shocks depend on demand and supply conditions underlying the global market for crude oil? We answer this question with a novel structural vector ... -
Inflation expectations and the pass-through of oil prices
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Inflation expectations and the associated pass-through of oil price shocks depend on demand and supply conditions underlying the global oil market. We establish this result using a structural VAR model of the global oil ...