• Cash flow permanence and payout policy in the Norwegian market 

      Bøe, Eirik Aleksander; Strandås, Henning (Master thesis, 2017)
      We investigate the relationship between cash flow shocks, its permanence and its link to payout policy for publicly listed firms in Norway. We reject the “permanence hypothesis” suggested by Guay and Harford (2000) ...
    • Cash Holdings and Corporate Diversification: Evidence From Nordic Companies 

      Singh, Harman Uppal; Hellerslien, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2019)
      We examine the relationship between diversification and corporate liquidity in Nordic firms. The significant findings of this paper show that multidivisional firms hold less cash relative to their stand-alone counterpart ...
    • Caught in the middle: buying from markets and selling to networks 

      Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Håkansson, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The purpose of this paper is to look at how relationships between buyers and sellers are affected when on the supply side the most important resource is available only through a trading system created from a market ...
    • Causal effects of paternity leave on children and parents 

      Cools, Sara; Fiva, Jon H.; Kirkebøen, Lars J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Reserving a share of the parental leave period for fathers is considered necessary for inducing fathers to take leave, and for men's increased participation in child-rearing. We investigate how a parental leave reform ...
    • Causes of price premiums with the presence of performance ambiguity in the occupational health services market 

      Lindberg, Joakim; Karlsen, Simen (Master thesis, 2012-05-11)
      Managers and academics have historically paid little attention to pricing. To set the right price is the fastest and most effective way for a company to maximize profits. Therefore, it is surprising that it has received ...
    • CbCr – nytte vs kostnad - bør opplysningene være offentlig tilgjengelige? 

      Instwgleen-Erviksæter, Sigrun Vidike (Master thesis, 2023)
      Som del i OECD’s arbeid mot undergraving og forflytning av skattegrunnlag ble det i 2016 internasjonal enighet om å opprette pliktig innrapportering av opplysninger for multinasjonale konsern av en viss størrelse. ...
    • CDS-Bond Basis: An Empirical Study of European Souereign Credit Spreads 

      Stangeland, Peter Marius; Flaten, Sondre Idsøe (Master thesis, 2022)
      We study the eurozone sovereign CDS-bond basis and evaluate the link between the sovereign CDS premiums and the corresponding bond yield spreads. We find statistically significant differences in determinants of sovereign ...
    • Celebrating 40 years of panel data analysis: Past, present and future 

      Sarafidis, Vasilis; Wansbeek, Tom (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The present special issue features a collection of papers presented at the 2017 International Panel Data Conference, hosted by the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. The conference marked the 40th anniversary ...
    • Celebrity insects: Exploring the effect of celebrity endorsement on people’s willingness to eat insect-based foods 

      Park, Jaewood; Motoki, Kosuke; Velasco, Carlos; Spence, Charles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      There is a growing interest in insects as a promising alternative source of protein that can potentially contribute to help solving the imminent global food crisis. However, research on insect-based foods (IBFs) has ...
    • CEO Characteristics and Corporate Leverage A Norwegian Perspective 

      Sjølie, Henrik Bruskeland; Skjold, Simen Sørgard (Master thesis, 2022)
      We study the relationship between CEO Characteristics and corporate leverage in Norwegian listed companies using an unbalanced panel of 303 firms from 2000 to 2017. To study the relationship, fixed effects regressions and ...
    • CEO Dismissals - A Financial Analysis 

      Tsoi, Maxim; Stensøe, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis investigates the relationship between financial reporting data and the board’s decision to dismiss a CEO. The analysis was performed on a sample of 30 CEO dismissals from S&P 1500 companies in the year of ...
    • CEO Dividend Protection 

      Zhang, Danielle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper studies CEO dividend protection, an important element in the executive compensation package that protect CEOs’ compensation from stock price drops due to dividend payments. First, I show that there is large ...
    • CEO gender and its impact on profitability, growth and volatility in Norwegian startups 

      Encinas, Helena Kristine Auran; Bårdsen, Irina Elvik (Master thesis, 2022)
      Abstract There has been a lot of discussion on CEO gender and its impact on firm performance, growth and volatility. This paper examines whether Norwegian female-led startups financially underperform, grow slower and are ...
    • CEO health 

      Keloharju, Matti; Knüpfer, Samuli; Tåg, Joacim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Using comprehensive data on 28 cohorts in Sweden, we analyze CEO health and its determinants and outcomes. We find CEOs are in much better health than the population and on par with other high-skill professionals. These ...
    • CEO wealth and cross-border acquisitions by SMEs 

      Zilja, Flladina; Benito, Gabriel R G; Boustanifar, Hamid; Zhang, Dan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study examines the role of chief executive officers’ (CEOs) wealth in explaining the cross-border acquisition (CBA) activity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). CBAs require substantial financial resources ...
    • Chairman of the board incarcerated for white-collar crime after bankruptcy: What does his autobiography tell us about convenience? 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Some members of the upper echelon in society violate laws whenever they feel necessary. They have access to resources to commit and conceal financial crime while they deny the guilty mind. Autobiographies by convicted ...
    • The Challenges of Implementing Temporal Shifts in Temporary Organizations: Implications of a Situated Temporal View 

      Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Hernes, Tor Øystein; Dille, Therese (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We apply a situated temporal view to reveal the acute challenge actors face in making changes when their project moves toward its final deadline. A situated temporal view takes account not just of the dwindling time left ...
    • Challenges of Performance Measurement in Lean Construction and the Last Planner System®: A Norwegian Case 

      Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Sand-Holm, Sanne; Pakoglu, Ceyda; Svalestuen, Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Question: How and why is performance measured in relation to Lean Construction (LC) and the Last Planner System® (LPS®)? What are key challenges thereof, and how might these be overcome? Purpose: The purpose of this ...
    • Challenges to environmental sustainability in humanitarian logistics activities 

      Lid, Ingrid; Petermann, Karine Alette (Master thesis, 2023)
      With the changing climate causing an emerging number of disasters, the demand for humanitarian relief operations is likely to grow. While humanitarian operations aim to alleviate and improve the lives of the beneficiaries, ...
    • Challenging the doctrine of “non-discerning” decision-making: Investigating the interaction effects of cognitive styles 

      Bakken, Bjørn Tallak; Hansson, Mathias; Hærem, Thorvald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The impact of intuitive and analytic cognitive styles on task performance is a much-debated subject in the scientific discourse on decision-making. In the literature on decision-making under time pressure, intuition has ...