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dc.contributor.authorSöllner, Matthias
dc.contributor.authorBecker, Jan-Michael
dc.contributor.authorMishra, Abhay N
dc.contributor.authorLeimeister, Jan Marco
dc.description.abstractThis paper employs a longitudinal perspective to examine continued system use (CSU) by individuals in utilitarian, volitional contexts when alternative systems are present . We focus on two key behavioural antecedents of CSU – habit and continuance intention – and theorise how the relationships between CSU and these antecedents evolve over time. In addition, we hypothesise how the interaction effect of habit and intention on CSU evolves temporally. Our theorising differs from extant literature in two important respects: 1) In contrast to the widespread acceptance of the diminishing effect of continuance intention on CSU in the information systems (IS) literature, we hypothesise that in our context, its impact increases with time; and 2) In contrast to the negative moderation effect of habit on the relationship between intention and CSU proposed in the literature, we posit a positive interaction effect. We collect longitudinal survey data on the use of a higher education IS from students in a European university. Our results suggest that the impact of continuance intention on CSU as well as the interaction effect between habit and intention are increasing over time. We further introduce a methodological innovation – the permutation approach to conduct the multi-group analysis with repeated measures – to the literature.en_US
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.subjectBruk av informasjonssystemeren_US
dc.subjectUse of information systemsen_US
dc.subjectLongitudinelle studieren_US
dc.subjectLongitudinal studiesen_US
dc.titleUse IT Again? Dynamic Roles of Habit, Intention and their Interaction on Continued System Use by Individuals in Utilitarian, Volitional Contextsen_US
dc.title.alternativeUse IT Again? Dynamic Roles of Habit, Intention and their Interaction on Continued System Use by Individuals in Utilitarian, Volitional Contextsen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonssystemer: 321en_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Information and communication systems: 321en_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonssystemer: 321en_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Information and communication systems: 321en_US
dc.source.journalEuropean Journal of Information Systemsen_US

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