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dc.contributor.authorMyrvoll, Fredrik Skjevdal
dc.contributor.authorVedvik, Rune
dc.descriptionMasteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Finance - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2022en_US
dc.description.abstractWith the evolution of index-based investing in the past decades, we investigate three investment universes consisting of sector, factor, and country indices in the European equity market. We employ several asset allocation strategies such as 1/N, Risk-Parity, Minimum-Variance, Mean-Variance, Bayes-Stein, and Kelly Growth. We then investigate and extend the research on blended portfolios (Ghayur et. al, 2018) by introducing countries and joint blending. In the period from 2002- 2021, we find that factor portfolios dominates sector and country portfolios both in expansions and recessions when short-selling is disallowed. When short-selling is allowed, country portfolios often outperform factors across several performance measures. Contrary to previous findings, we find that sector investing do not yield better performance when diversification is needed, and is overall the weakest dimension in performance. 1en_US
dc.publisherHandelshøyskolen BIen_US
dc.subjectfinans financeen_US
dc.titleAsset Allocation in European Equity Markets: A comparison of sector, factor and country investingen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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