Demographic, Personality Trait and Personality Disorder Correlates of Aesthetic Motivation
Journal article, Peer reviewed
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- Scientific articles [2217]
Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 2021, Volume: 40 issue: 4, page(s): 333-350 10.1177/0276236620942917Sammendrag
This study looked at personality and sub-clinical personality disorder correlates ofself-rated motives for aesthetic motivation (AM). Two groups, totalling over 4000adult British managers, completed three tests including a personality trait measure(HPI); a personality disorders measure (HDS), and a measure of their Motives andValues (MVPI) for Aestheticism and Culture. The two different groups had similarresults, showing that for personality traits Inquisitiveness (Openness-to-Experience)and Sociability (Extraversion) were positively, and Adjustment (low Neuroticism) andPrudence (Conscientiousness) were negatively, related to AM. For personality dis-order traits Imaginativeness (Schizotypy) and Colourful (Histrionic) were positivelycorrelated with AM. Factor analysis confirmed the higher order classification of bothtraits and disorders. Regressions at the higher factor level suggested personalitytraits were more related to AM than disorder traits. Implications for the selectionand management of aesthetic people are considered. Limitations and future direc-tions are also noted.