The Performance of Private Equity Funds - An empirical study on the performance of private equity funds with European managers, private equity firm expertise, and the impact of macroeconomic crise
This thesis studies the absolute and relative performance of European private equity
funds, using a data set of 417 buyout funds raised between 1999 and 2016. The
average European private equity fund provides annual returns of near 18% (net of
fees and carry) and outperforms public markets by a minimum of 12% over the life
of the fund. Performance patterns are cyclical, yet relative performance less
cyclically sensitive than absolute performance. Human capital encourages valuecreation
in private equity, as factors proxied for expertise by private equity firms
drive performance. These results indicate that the average European private equity
fund delivers premium returns over time. We acknowledge that sample selection
bias and zombie funds can influence our results but conclude that such issues are
improbable to do so.
Key words: private equity funds, performance, public markets, cyclicality,
leveraged buyout, PME, IRR, global financial crisis, oil price crash
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Finance - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2021