What strengthens and weakens psychological safety in sales teams under Covid-19 and sudden virtuality?
March 2020, the world was surprised by Covid-19, a fast-spreading pandemic,
which forced organizations, such as Tech-Org, to suddenly overnight work
virtually. Our research setting is Tech-Org, an international organization that
develops and sells HR technology. We have examined how the pandemic and
sudden virtuality, as external factors, impact psychological safety in sales teams;
more specifically, “what strengthens and weakens psychological safety in sales
teams under Covid-19 and sudden virtuality?” We did a multiple-case study, and
our research methods were semi-structured interviews and observation. Our units
of analysis were three sales teams, where we interviewed 12 participants, including
team members and leaders. We have constructed a table illustrating our aggregated
dimensions as emerging changes with virtuality that weaken and strengthen
psychological safety through our analysis. Our findings suggest that external factors
urge the leaders to buffer for external uncertainty. Also, sudden virtuality
exaggerates the distance and already individualized seller role. Moreover,
employees grapple with the new normal and virtuality differently, where domestic
relations, age, and experience are crucial. There is a gap between oldtimers and
newcomers where individuals express themselves differently due to age and
experience. Also, findings show that individuals struggle with informal and
spontaneous interactions with virtuality due to a lack of physical cues, which
leaders proactively respond to by increasing planned sessions. In addition, we found
that culture, heart-to-heart and one-on-ones, digital appreciation, and virtual
celebrations build interpersonal relations. Findings insinuate that employees
respond to failure differently. In addition, leaders approaching uncertainty and their
overall leadership are critical. In conclusion, several reactive and proactive changes
weaken or strengthen PS under Covid-19 and sudden virtuality, where leaders
should make changes to ensure a psychologically safe climate under uncertainty.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Leadership and Change - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2021