Consumption with liquidity constraints: An analytical characterization
Journal article, Peer reviewed
Accepted version
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- Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - BI [1037]
- Scientific articles [2211]
Original version
Economics Letters. 2018, 167(June), 40-42.
How do liquidity constraints affect households? This is a well-researched subject with remarkably few theoretical results. This paper bridges this gap by providing a closed form expression for consumption with liquidity constraints for a wide class of utility functions (HARA). Using this expression, I prove that the consumption function is strictly concave in wealth if a relevant liquidity constraint exists. Moreover, households respond to a tightening of the liquidity constraint by reducing consumption, becoming more sensitive to wealth changes, and having a “more” concave consumption function in wealth. These results thus provide theoretical underpinnings for how contractions in credit supply affect households