Factors influencing advertising effectiveness and purchase intention on Instagram
Instagram has emerged as an important social media and advertising platform, but
little or no research has been done to investigate how the users perceive various
Instagram advertisement. The current research relies on two studies to determine
which attributes in an ad users notice and favour. The first study is an exploratory
study utilising qualitative cognitive mapping to address the key attributes for ad
evaluation. The second study tests overall ad evaluation using conjoint analysis to
determine which attributes that has the largest positive and negative effect.
The research finds that brand (high fit, low fit and unknown), endorser (liked,
disliked and not present) and ad (native obvious) all predict ad effectiveness and
purchase intention. The results for ad effectiveness and purchase intention are
similar and the brand has the highest effect on both.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2017