Identifying the underlying dimensions of sincerity in sponsorship
Sincerity perception between a sponsor and object has been identified as a key
determinant of sponsorship effects. However, previous literature in understanding
dimensions of sincerity in sponsorship has been limited. This paper aims to fill the
knowledge gap by clarifying the underlying dimensions formed by the audience on
sincerity perception. An exploratory study is performed to discover relevant
elements. Then, the result from the first study is tested for its validity by a
quantitative study. Three significant determinants of sincerity were found; Fit,
social cause, and scandal events. Sincerity was also found to be a significant
positive predictor of sponsorship attitude, which positively effects object equity and
sponsor equity. We conclude that by choosing a sponsorship that has a natural fit
with the company and includes a social cause, it will increase the success of the
sponsorship both for the firm and the sponsored object.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2017