dc.description.abstract | We study the short-run stock market performance of 219 Nordic initial
public offerings (IPOs) listed between 2001 and 2016 and its
determinants. Short-run stock market performance is measured by the
first-day market-adjusted return. In order to identify determinants of
short-run market performance we use multiple regression models with
firm, market and offer specific variables in accordance with selected
We find that, overall, Nordic IPOs was underpriced with 4.53% on
average. However, there are quite large differences in underpricing
between the Nordic countries. Swedish IPOs had an average first-day
return of 7.35% and Finnish 7.97%, Denmark had 5.58% while in Norway
it was 0.60%. These findings suggest a downward sloping trend in the
level of underpricing in the Nordics over the past decades. Furthermore,
our results indicate that investor sentiment is a determinant of short-run
performance of IPOs in the Nordics in general. We further find that hot
issue markets, firm age, firm assets, pricing technique, offer price relative
to file price range and the reputation of the underwriter are determinants
of short-run market performance, but that these results vary by country,
suggesting that there are different determinants of short-run performance
within the Nordic countries. The overall findings on determinants support
the investor sentiment theory, the hot market phenomenon and
information revelation theory, while it is conflicting with the main
implications of the winner`s curse theory. | nb_NO |