Browsing Master of Science by Subject "accounting"
Now showing items 1-20 of 97
Aksjesparekonto: En juridisk og økonomisk analyse av skatteloven § 10-21
(Master thesis, 2018)Temaet for denne avhandlingen er den nylig innførte ordningen med aksjesparekonto, regulert i skatteloven § 10-21 av lov 26. mars 1999 nr. 14. Vi analyserer de juridiske og økonomiske aspektene knyttet til denne nye ... -
Analyse av nyinnførte regler for kildeskatt på renter og royalties mv.
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne masterutredningen tar for seg effekten av de nyinnførte reglene i 2021 om kildeskatt på renter, royalty og leiebetalinger på fysiske driftsmidler og er en analyse av hvorvidt reglene oppnår formålet med å forhindre ... -
Analysis and Valuation of Frontline Plc
(Master thesis, 2023)In this master thesis, we have performed an analysis and valuation of Frontline Plc. The problem statement in the thesis is defined as: “What is the fundamental value of a share in Frontline Plc, traded at the New York ... -
Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms, especially if they have a male CEO?
(Master thesis, 2018)Taxes has received much attention the past years, with scandals like Enron and the Panama- and Paradise papers setting it on the agenda in many countries. Although there exists extensive research on individual tax ... -
Are share pledge firms more willing to repurchase shares? evidence from China
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates whether Chinese share pledge firms are more willing to repurchase shares by using a sample of Chinese A-share share repurchases from October 27, 2018, to December 31, 2023. The research indicates ... -
Assessing Different Levels of Time Retention for Business Interruption Coverage on Cyber Insurance
(Master thesis, 2020)As a consequence of the digitalization in companies, cyber-related risk has increased substantially. Cyber insurance has, therefore, emerged as a tool to mitigate cyber risk. Cyber risk behaves differently compared to ... -
The association between non-audit services and accrual quality in EEA countries (2015-2017)
(Master thesis, 2020)The main purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a relationship between accrual quality and non-audit services for medium and large listed companies in EEA countries from 2015 to 2017. The further tests ... -
BEPS-rapportens påvirkning på internprissettingen av immaterielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2016)I denne avhandlingen tar vi for oss temaet internprising av immaterielle eiendeler. Det ble i oktober 2015 utformet en rapport med tiltak mot Base Erosion and Profit Shifting av OECD. Bakgrunnen for disse endringene var ... -
Beyond Budgeting in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Comparative Multi-Case Study of Equinor, Entra, Hurtigruten, and Tussa
(Master thesis, 2021)Purpose - The Master thesis aims to understand how Beyond Budgeting (BB) as a Management Control System (MCS) has been designed and used in companies of different sizes. Research design - We apply an interview-based, ... -
The Bidirectional Relationship Between ESG and Earnings Management in Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)This study examines the relationship between sustainability and earnings management (EM). The literature on this relationship is extensive and has primarily been focused on assessing how corporate social responsibility ... -
The buyback anomaly and the motives behind share repurchase announcements in Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Firms announcing a repurchase of their shares often experience a period of abnormal returns; this is known as the buyback anomaly. The buyback anomaly is a persistent market anomaly that is challenging to explain (Andreou ... -
The Contribution of Enterprise Risk Management to Firm Value - Empirical evidence from the North American and European Oil & Gas Sector
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis examines the contribution of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to firm value within the upstream oil and gas sector in Europe and North America. Given the industry’s high exposure to various risks, this ... -
Control Systems for Sustainability: Exploring the patterns in Norwegian firms
(Master thesis, 2021)Sustainability is becoming of high importance for companies. Businesses increasingly commit to sustainability initiatives and report on sustainability performances. They also start to develop and embed sustainability ... -
Corruption ; The boundary between customer relationship management and illegal corruption, bribery and trading in influence
(Master thesis, 2016)The impropriety principle is a central legal standard that should be determined by the courts in light of the prevailing ethical and moral perceptions in the society. To decide whether an advantage is undue, the preparatory ... -
Credit Risk Implications in Norwegian Banks: A Comparative Analysis of The Internal Rating Based and Standardised Approaches
(Master thesis, 2023)Objective: This study aims to evaluate the implications of the Internal Ratings-Based approach on credit risk in comparison to the Standardised Approach among Norwegian banks. The adoption of the IRB approach was initially ... -
Debt heterogeneity: A study of how different debt instruments affect the performance of publicly listed U.S. firms.
(Master thesis, 2020)Academic literature has previously focused on capital structure as a whole; however, in more recent years, research has revolved around debt structure. Evidence from the last decade have proven the importance of debt ... -
Determinants of Cash Holdings and the Effect of the 2008 Financial Crisis: An Empirical Investigation of Norwegian Listed Firms
(Master thesis, 2021)In this paper we examine which determinants affect the cash holdings for Norwegian firms listed on Oslo Stock Exchange between 2001 and 2018, and if the effect of the determinants changed during the 2008 financial crisis. ... -
Does opting out from auditing decrease earnings quality and/or increase tax aggressiveness? An analysis of small companies from Norway.
(Master thesis, 2018)Following a new legislation in Norway from 2011, smaller unlisted Norwegian companies now have an opportunity to opt out from auditing. We hypothesize that this has led to a decrease in earnings quality and an increase ... -
Earnings management during CEO turnovers
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis addresses the question of whether CEO changes in Norwegian publicly listed firms leads to earnings management efforts by accruals. We further explore the characteristics around the CEO change and specifics ... -
The Effect of CEO Characteristics on Earnings Management Practices of Private Norwegian SMEs
(Master thesis, 2021)Managerial characteristics in financial decisions have gained more attention during the last decades. Hence, this thesis aims to investigate the effect of CEO characteristics on earnings management practices for private ...