Blar i Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - BI på dokumenttype "Research report"
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Carbon capture – from waste to energy: a stylized case from a pioneering initiative at Klemetsrud, Oslo. Report to the CLIMIT – demo project 618215: Potential for financing and pricing Carbon Capture in Waste-to Energy Installations in cities
(Research report, 2019)Oslo has recently been given the European Environmental Capital award for 2019, following its adoption of an ambitious green strategy of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2022, and by 95% by 2030. A core premise for Oslo ... -
Carbon capture – from waste to energy: a stylized case from a pioneering initiative at Klemetsrud, Oslo. Report to the CLIMIT – demo project 618215: Potential for financing and pricing Carbon Capture in Waste-to Energy Installations in cities
(Research report, 2019)Oslo has recently been given the European Environmental Capital award for 2019, following its adoption of an ambitious green strategy of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2022, and by 95% by 2030. A core premise for Oslo ... -
Digital Nomads: Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Work in the Post-Covid Society
(Research report, 2023) -
Gender in the Boardroom: Learnings from world-leader Norway
(FACTBase Bulletin;, Research report, 2018)The key findings of this Bulletin are: • Voluntary actions to get more women on boards did not work in Norway. A legal quota for gender balance was therefore implemented. Many countries have been influenced by the snowball ... -
Governance of Interorganizational Project Networks
(Research report, 2022) -
Inntektssystemet for kommunene : Lokale skatteinntekter
(Research report, 2022)Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet som et underlag for Inntektssystemutvalgets vurderinger av lokal beskatning, beskatningsfrihet og utforming av skatteutjevningen ved ... -
Licensing of Reuse of Judgments: Analysis of Selected European Jurisdictions
(Research report, 2024)The online publication of judgments by states can strengthen the rule of law and democracy, by enhancing transparency and accountability, ensuring legal consistency, and improving access to legal services through new ... -
Mediebarometer 2019 Befolkningens mediebruk på kjønn og alder
(Research report, 2019)Den er foretatt som webintervju i uke 32 i 2019, på et landsrepresentativt materiale med 1009 respondenter. -
Norges Bank Watch 2018: An independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway
(Norges Bank Watch;2018, Research report, 2018)Each year the Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at The Department of Economics, BI Norwegian Business School, appoints an independent group of experts to evaluate monetary policy in Norway. This year the committee consists ... -
Recommendations for the Sharing Economy: (Re-)Balancing Power
(Research report, 2018)This report, ‘Recommendations for the Sharing Economy: (Re-)Balancing Power’, forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the ... -
Seksuell utnyttelse av barn over internett - Rapport om analyse av teknologiske faktorer som påvirker produksjon og deling av materiale som seksuelt utnytter barn over internett
(Research report, 2023)Denne rapporten tar sikte på å bidra til de nasjonale strategimålene for å tilrettelegge for at barn og unge skal være trygge på nettet. Rapporten vil gå gjennom en evaluering av teknologiske arenaer, kanaler og trender ... -
Snap eller papiravis? Mediebruk i livets ulike faser
(Research report, 2019)I denne rapporten kan vi se hvordan mediebruken varierer med et begrep for livssyklus – fra enslige uten familie, via barnefamilier og opp til seniorer. I noen grad har dette selvfølgelig med alder å gjøre – men ikke fullt ... -
Sølvrevenes digitalisering: Sterk utvikling i digital mediebruk blant 60+
(Research report, 2019)Er 60+ et segment som bare kan glemmes i digitaliseringen av mediebruken? Nei, slett ikke. Det er overraskende hvor raskt det går også i denne gruppen, som tradisjonelt er vokst opp og har levd med papirbaserte medier og ... -
Young media use 2019. Media preferences and behavior
(Research report, 2018)This is a report on aspects of media usage among young people. The results are based upon a survey among business school students on Bachelor level at BI Norwegian Business School – campus Bergen. The survey was distributed ...