Browsing BI Open by Document Types "Chapter"
Now showing items 1-20 of 82
A Comparative Study of ECKM Papers 2017-2022
(Chapter, 2023)The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare all the academic papers in the proceedings of ECKM in 2017 (Barcelona), 2018 (Padua), 2019 (Lisbon), and the digital conferences in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, the conference ... -
A value structured approach to conflicts in environmental management
(Chapter, 2012) -
Acting on the Norwegian Transparency act: interpretation and implementation
(Chapter, 2024)The chapter delves into the ramifications of Norway’s Transparency Act (Åpenhetslo-ven, 2021), which was enacted on 1stof July, 2022, compelling businesses to fosterhuman rights and fair working conditions in their supply ... -
Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Corporate Communication Roles and Responsibilities
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter discusses the use in practice and implications of AI for professional roles and responsibilities in corporate communication. It defines AI and other relevant terms, gives a brief overview of how it is currently ... -
Autorisert regnskapsfører – rolle og ansvar
(Chapter, 2020)Regnskapsførerbransjen har siden regnskapsførerloven trådte i kraft i 1993, vokst betydelig. Når det stilles krav til autorisasjon, forventes det at tjenestene som leveres, er av høy faglig kvalitet, og med det følger et ... -
Brukerbetaling i lokalaviser – en trussel for bruksmangfold og lokaldemokrati?
(Chapter, 2021)Mediepolitikken i Norge legger særlig vekt på å sikre tilgang til lokale medier i hele landet for å stimulere en felles, åpen og opplyst offentlig samtale. Denne ambisjonen er knyttet til en overordnet målsetting om å bidra ... -
Can you tell from my grades that I am a blogger?
(Chapter, 2020)From 2009 to 2013 writing blog posts, and commenting on each other’s blog posts, was a mandatory course requirement for the students of the subject ØMF101 Administrative Informasjonssystemer (Management Information Systems) ... -
CHESS: A Framework for Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems based on Chaos Engineering
(Chapter, 2023)There is an increasing need to assess the correct behavior of self-adaptive and self-healing systems due to their adoption in critical and highly dynamic environments. However, there is a lack of systematic evaluation ... -
Compiling Universal Probabilistic Programming Languages with Efficient Parallel Sequential Monte Carlo Inference
(Chapter, 2022)Probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) allow users to encode arbitrary inference problems, and PPL implementations provide general-purpose automatic inference for these problems. However, constructing inference ... -
Creativity, innovation, and the production of wealth
(Chapter, 2018-02)This chapter offers an historic introduction to the broad field of innovation studies with an eye towards ethical matters. Four fundamental issues are highlighted. In the first section, I delineate how the concept of ... -
Dynamics of Operation Modes: Switches and Additions.
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter takes stock of fifty years of research on mode dynamics—that is, the decisions to switch and add operation modes in a foreign country—as a central international business strategy phenomenon. Numerous studies ... -
The Dynamics of Power and Micropolitics on Project Management
(Chapter, 2022)The empirically investigated problem of our paper is: What impact do micropolitics and power have upon the conduct of project management in an organization? The informal power and micropolitics played a massive role in the ... -
Empiriske egenskaper ved finansielle nøkkeltall
(Chapter, 2021)Analyser av foretaks finansielle stilling og inntjening skjer som regel ved hjelp av finansielle nøkkeltall som tallfester lønnsomhet, likviditet og soliditet. I denne artikkelen viser jeg først hvordan noen nøkkeltall i ... -
En dråpe i havet? Krigsforsikringsordninger for sjøfolk og deres etterlatte under og etter første verdenskrig
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Evaluation und Controlling derUnternehmenskommunikation
(Chapter, 2020)Kommunikationsmanager wissen heute um die Wirkung ihrer Arbeit und umihren Beitrag zur Erreichung von Unternehmenszielen. Dabei handelt es sich umLeistungen für eine gute Berichterstattung in den Medien, für die Reputation ... -
Executive Education
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)Summary Executive education, defined as consisting of short, intensive non-degree programs offered by university business schools to attract people who are in or close to top executive positions, is a vital part of modern ... -
An Exploratory Literature Study on Sharing and Energy Use of Language Models for Source Code
(Chapter, 2023)Large language models trained on source code can support a variety of software development tasks, such as code recommendation and program repair. Large amounts of data for training such models benefit the models’ performance. ... -
From Food Product to Food Experience: How to Use Design Thinking to Service Vulnerable Populations and Improve Their Food Well-Being
(Chapter, 2021)Design thinking, the process of transforming deep user insight into new solutions by utilizing methods and mindsets borrowed from designers, has evolved to become one of the most rapidly spreading approaches for development ...