Browsing BI Open by Journals "Economics Letters"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Consumption with liquidity constraints: An analytical characterization
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)How do liquidity constraints affect households? This is a well-researched subject with remarkably few theoretical results. This paper bridges this gap by providing a closed form expression for consumption with liquidity ... -
Group lending with endogenous group size
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This paper focuses on the size of the borrower group in group lending. We show that, when social ties in a community enhance borrowers incentives to exert e¤ort, a pro t-maximizing nancier chooses a group of limited size. ... -
Macroeconomic uncertainty and bank lending
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)We investigate the impact of macro-related uncertainty on bank lending in Norway. We show that an increase in general macroeconomic uncertainty reduces bank lending. Importantly, however, we show that this effect is largely ... -
The effect of the Internet on economic growth: Counter-evidence from cross-country panel data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Choi and Yi (2009) found evidence that the Internet stimulated economic growth in the 1990–2000 period using cross-country panel data. When extending the period to 2015, similar regressions indicate negative and significant ... -
Using house prices to compute the price of housing in the CPI
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Rental-equivalence is often used in computing price changes of owner-occupied housing in the CPI. We employ an alternative approach, employing interest-adjusted house prices. For Norway 2000-2008 our method yielded a 30% ... -
Why do managers disclose risks accurately? Textual analysis, disclosures, and risk exposures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I provide an economic model that justifies using bag-of-words, topic modeling, and machine learning techniques to measure firms’ risk exposures using the percentage they allocate to each risk in their financial statements. ...