Blar i Series of Dissertations på tittel
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The role of technology, ownership and origin in M&A performance
(Series of Dissertations;2/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)he massive value destruction for the acquiring firm shareholders found in recent studies on M&A performance puts a big question mark over M&A as a corporate growth strategy. However, not all M&A destroy value, which makes ... -
This Is Not My Job: Understanding Antecedents and Outcomes of Illegitimate Task
(Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Illegitimate tasks, defined as tasks perceived as either unreasonable or unnecessary (Semmer et al., 2010), violate what can be reasonably expected from employees’ current job roles. In the first article of the thesis, we ... -
Three essays on corporate boards
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2008)The overriding theme of the three essays is the board of directors’ contribution to value creation. They use a data sample of Norwegian listed firms in the period 1989 to 2002, which by international standards constitute ... -
Three essays on corporate control
(Series of Dissertations;7/2011, Doctoral thesis, 2011)This dissertation consists of the three papers “Stakeholder rights and economic performance: The profitability of nonprofits” (with Øyvind Bøhren), “Stakeholder conflicts and dividend policy: A cleaner test” (with Øyvind ... -
Three essays on family firms
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Family businesses are important in many economies worldwide. One reason family firms pique many researchers' interest is the interplay of family and business. Decisions made within family firms often reflect business as ... -
Topics in accounting for impairment of fixed assets
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2005)This dissertation consists of three topics related to the accounting for impairment of fixed assets, represented by five papers. The first topic is an empirical research into the functionality of the new generation of ... -
Trading in Equity Markets: A study of Individual, Institutional and Corporate Trading
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2004)This thesis is about the trading behavior of various participants in equity markets, how they trade in various settings, their transactions costs and how their trading activity affect prices. -
Trading in Foreign Exchange Markets. Four Essays on the Microstructure of Foreign Exchange
(Series of Dissertations;2/2001, Doctoral thesis, 2001)This dissertation is a collection of four essays on the trading activities in the foreign exchange market. Trading has traditionally not been an issue in research on the foreign exchange market. This has changed during the ... -
Transforming Economies: The Case of the Norwegian Electricity Market Reform
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2000)The topic of this thesis is the shaping of modern economies, represented by a case-study of the Norwegian electricity market reform process. The essential questions raised are: “Why are industries and economies organized ... -
Transplants’ role stress and work performance in IT outsourcing relationships
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2006)This research investigates individual level effects of information technology (IT) outsourcing. The basis of this research rests on several organization and management theories typically applied to outsourcing separately. ... -
User representation as organisational doing. A study of ignorance and vulnerability in Norwegian patient-centered care.
(Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This thesis is about patient representation Norwegian patient-centred care. In Norway as well as globally, users are increasingly pointed out as central actors in strategies and policies aimed at innovation and the ... -
Votes Count but the Number of Seats Decides: A comparative historical case study of 20th century Danish, Swedish and Norwegian road policy
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2006)This dissertation about Danish, Swedish and Norwegian 20th century road policy is an attempt of elucidating some puzzles: Why did Norwegian authorities pursue a road policy contrary to most other West European industrialized ... -
When Should Organizations Outsource Problem-Solving? Balancing Functional and Technical Requirement Specifications in Public Procurement.
(Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Interorganizational interactions between firms are often centered around problem-solving efforts. The ability to efficiently solve problems can facilitate organizations’ value creation, strategic gains, and cost savings, ... -
Working in Tandem: A Longitudinal Study of the Interplay of Working Practices and Social Enterprise Platforms in the Multinational Workplace
(Series of Dissertations;7/2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-09-17)This thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of the implications of the social technology use in the work settings, and through this, how value is created in organizations. If enterprise platforms shall replace ...