Blar i Research Reports på forfatter "Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy"
Norske selskapers etableringer i Afrika: Klynger og nettverk som drivkraft for norsk næringslivs etableringer i Afrika, sør for Sahara 2000-2012
Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;2/2013, Research report, 2013)Forskningsprosjektet “Klynger og nettverk som drivkraft for norsk næringslivs etableringer i Afrika” er en videreutvikling av det omfattende forskningsprosjektet “Et kunnskapsbasert Norge” (2012). Felles for disse prosjektene ... -
Offshore Oil and Gas as Industrial Driver
Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;3/2013, Research report, 2013)The project “Oil and gas as Industrial Driver” is a further development of professor Torger Reve’s nation-wide research project “Knowledge-based Norway” (2012). Common for the two projects is the cluster perspective on ... -
The Innovation Performance of the Norwegian Offshore Industry: A report for the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association
Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;4/2014, Research report, 2014)This report particularly considers the supplier (upside) part of the offshore oil & gas industry. It appears to be as innovative as telecommunication and pharmaceutical (traditional high-tech) industries in Norway but, in ...