Viser treff 61-80 av 267

    • En verdiskapende Bygg-, Anlegg- og Eiendomsnæring (BAE) 

      Espelien, Anne; Theie, Marcus Gjems; Bygballe, Lena E. (Forskningsrapport;1/2015, Research report, 2015)
      Sammendrag/Abstract Denne forskningsrapporten presenterer resultater fra en oppdatering av et pågående forsknings­prosjekt ved Senter for byggenæringen ved Handelshøyskolen BI om verdiskaping i den norske bygg-, anlegg- ...
    • Organizational form, local market structure and corporate social performance in retail 

      Utgård, Jakob (Series of Dissertations;2/2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-20)
      I study how organizational form and local market structure influence retail firms' corporate social performance (CSP). The theoretical model is based on agency theory, which in its origin focuses on the dyad between the ...
    • The Innovation Performance of the Norwegian Offshore Industry: A report for the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association 

      Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;4/2014, Research report, 2014)
      This report particularly considers the supplier (upside) part of the offshore oil & gas industry. It appears to be as innovative as telecommunication and pharmaceutical (traditional high-tech) industries in Norway but, in ...
    • Trading in Foreign Exchange Markets. Four Essays on the Microstructure of Foreign Exchange 

      Rime, Dagfinn (Series of Dissertations;2/2001, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      This dissertation is a collection of four essays on the trading activities in the foreign exchange market. Trading has traditionally not been an issue in research on the foreign exchange market. This has changed during the ...
    • Essays on relational outcomes in mixed-motive situations 

      Acar-Burkay, Sinem (Series of Dissertations;7/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-19)
      The current dissertation comprises three chapters, each of which is a separate research article, on relational outcomes in mixed-motive situations. Chapter 1 uncovers how trustors’ social-cognitive motivation to manage ...
    • On governance in collaborative communities 

      Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Series of Dissertations;12/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014-10-24)
      This study explores how collaborative communities are governed. It investigates governance problems and mechanisms found in collaborative communities as well as the process of designing such mechanisms. It is an exploratory, ...
    • Rapport fra ti norske mediehus 

      Hjeltnes, Guri; Olsen, Ragnhild Kr.; Bech-Karlsen, Jo (Rapport;, Research report, 2007)
    • Regulation and Corporate Board Composition 

      Staubo, Siv (Series of Dissertations;1/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      This thesis is in the field of corporate governance. The corporate governance structure involves laws, rules, and regulations on the distribution of rights and responsibilities among the different stakeholders in the firm. ...
    • On Experiences as Economic Offerings 

      Poulsson, Susanne H.G. (Series of Dissertations;6/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
    • International business cycles and oil market dynamics 

      Thorsrud, Leif Anders (Series of Dissertations;9/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      This dissertation is about understanding business cycle fluctuations in an international perspective. What causes them, and how do they transmit across borders? In essence the motivation for the dissertation can be summarized ...
    • Client-consultant interaction practices: Sources of ingenuity, value creation and strategizing 

      Lombardo, Sebastiano (Series of Dissertations;10/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Service providers increasingly choose to interact with their clients. Previous studies show that client’s resources and activities can influence the service provider’s ability to create value, to be creative, and to develop ...
    • Ferjefri E39: næringsøkonomiske gevinster ved fjordkryssing 

      Sasson, Amir; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;3/2014, Research report, 2014)
      Rapporten ser nærmere på næringseffektene av utbyggingen av en ny E39 over Boknafjorden (Rogfast) mellom Stavanger og Haugesund området, over Bjørnafjorden mellom Stord og Bergen området, over Sognefjorden mellom Oppedal ...
    • Narcissus and Leadership Potential: The measurement and implications of narcissism in leadership selection processes 

      Gimsø, Christian Enger (Series of Dissertations;4/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Incorporating theoretical and empirical work from the literature on narcissism, it is postulated that narcissism poses a particular risk in leader selection settings. By appearing confident, charismatic, intelligent, and ...
    • Fire Walk with Me: Exploring the Role of Harmonious and Obsessive Passion in Well-being and Performance at Work 

      Birkeland, Ide Katrine (Series of Dissertations;08/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      This dissertation discusses the construct of passion for work. Built on motivational theories that separate the quantity and the quality of work motivation and integration, the dualistic model of passion intends to better ...
    • The role of technology, ownership and origin in M&A performance 

      Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy (Series of Dissertations;2/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      he massive value destruction for the acquiring firm shareholders found in recent studies on M&A performance puts a big question mark over M&A as a corporate growth strategy. However, not all M&A destroy value, which makes ...
    • Integrasjon og samarbeid på pelagiske eksportmarkeder 

      Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Håkansson, Håkan (Forskningsrapport;1/2014, Research report, 2013)
      Denne forskningsrapporten er sluttrapport for prosjektet “Økt integrasjon og samarbeid mot eksisterende og nye målmarkeder for pelagisk industri”, gjennomført av BI på oppdrag for Fiskeri- og Havbruksnæringens Forskningsfond ...
    • Norske selskapers etableringer i Afrika: Klynger og nettverk som drivkraft for norsk næringslivs etableringer i Afrika, sør for Sahara 2000-2012 

      Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;2/2013, Research report, 2013)
      Forskningsprosjektet “Klynger og nettverk som drivkraft for norsk næringslivs etableringer i Afrika” er en videreutvikling av det omfattende forskningsprosjektet “Et kunnskapsbasert Norge” (2012). Felles for disse prosjektene ...
    • Offshore Oil and Gas as Industrial Driver 

      Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;3/2013, Research report, 2013)
      The project “Oil and gas as Industrial Driver” is a further development of professor Torger Reve’s nation-wide research project “Knowledge-based Norway” (2012). Common for the two projects is the cluster perspective on ...
    • Ferjefri E39: Næringsliv og verdiskaping 

      Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;4/2013, Research report, 2013)
      Et næringslivsperspektiv kan tilføre mye når det gjelder å fremskaffe et bedre beslutningsgrunnlag for store infrastrukturinvesteringer som E39. Dette prosjektet sitter på både næringslivsdata og kompetansedata på ...
    • Kapitalforvaltning i Norge - en ny vekstnæring? 

      Nordkvelde, Marius; Diachenko, Anton; Alexandru, Robert; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;5/2013, Research report, 2013)
      Prosjektet “Kapitalforvaltning i Norge-en ny vekstnæring? ” er en videreutvikling av det nasjonale forskningsprosjektet “Et kunnskapsbasert Norge” (2012). Felles for de to prosjektene er klyngeperspektivet på næringsutvikling. ...