Blar i BI Open på forfatter "Biong, Harald"
Buying CSR with employees’ pensions? The effect of social responsible investments on Norwegian SMEs’ choice of pension fund management: A conjoint survey
Biong, Harald; Silkoset, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose – Employees often expect an emphasis on financial aspects to be predominant when their employers choose a fund management company for the investment of employees’ pension fund deposits. By contrast, in an attempt ... -
Byggemarkedet - et "lemons"-marked eller velfungerende marked?
Biong, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Norges Takseringsforbund har gjennom en undersøkelse i oktober 2007 anslått at problemene med manglende kontroll, slurv og feil utførelse i byggefasen representerer skader på ca 13 mill NOK på årsbasis i den norske ... -
Choice of subcontractor in markets with asymmetric information: reputation and price effects
Biong, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Purpose -Buyers assessing bids from suppliers of experience services face both an adverse selection and a potential moral hazard problem. The purpose of this study is to examine (1) the relative importance of various signals ... -
If the supplier’s human capital walks away, where would the customer go?
Biong, Harald; Ulvnes, Arne M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Purpose: Professional service firms’ clients often develop stronger attachments to their key contact employee than to the service firm. Since professionals are highly mobile, buyers of professional business services ... -
Leading by example: Values-based strategy to instill ethical conduct
Nygaard, Arne; Biong, Harald; Silkoset, Ragnhild; Kidwell, Roland E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Years of research clearly shows that relying on traditional organizational power bases is not effective when companies want to promote business ethics and performance. It is not only that the use of legitimate power to ... -
Ledelse, lønnsomhet og etikk gjennom eksemplets makt
Biong, Harald; Nygaard, Arne; Silkoset, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Bedriftseiere forventer at bedriftsledere leverer en solid bunnlinje og god avkastning. I tillegg forventer interessentgrupper utenfor virksomhetene at resultatene fremkommer på en etisk forsvarlig måte. Ledere har ulike ... -
Når "vennene" lurer deg
Biong, Harald; Wathne, Kenneth H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Nyhetsmediene rapporterer stadig saker der både organisasjons- og privatkunder føler seg lurt av svikefulle selgere ved kjøp av finansprodukter. Felles for flere av sakene er at det står velrenommerte finansinstitusjoner ... -
Samarbeid eller konkurranse: to alternative veier til lavere priser og kostnader
Biong, Harald; Silkoset, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Spør en økonom om hvordan man skal få lavere priser og kostnader, og svaret vil høyst sannsynlig være konkurranse. Rådet er fulgt av politikere ved at de har deregulert markeder og oppløst tidligere monopoler innen blant ... -
The ineffectiveness of corporate brand investments in creating price premiums
Biong, Harald; Silkoset, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)B2B branding research indicates that corporate brand equity investments will increase suppliers’ price premiums. In contrast, economics of information studies suggest suppliers’ price premiums to decrease with their brand ... -
The Solyndra case: an institutional economics perspective on the optimal role of government support for green technology development
Olson, Erik L.; Biong, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)More than three years after its highly publicized bankruptcy, Solyndra continues to resonate as an example of well-intentioned government policies gone wrong. This paper examines the Solyndra case using an institutional ... -
Åpent samarbeid gir innovative bedrifter
Biong, Harald; Krogstad, Lars Øystein; Stormyrbakken, Øyvind (Journal article, 2010)De senere årene har verden fått innovasjoner som oppslagsverket Wikipedia, nettleseren Firefox og operativsystemet Linux. Disse innovasjonene er resultat av en internasjonal dugnad basert på åpent ...