• BI Norwegian Business School 

      Smilden, Anders; Usterud, Felix Stridsberg (Master thesis, 2023)
      The main goal of this paper is to investigate if determining factors of clean energy stock performance in Europe have been influenced by the Paris Agreement. The analysis consist of three models in the time period before ...
    • Investeringsanalyse Scrubber 

      Usterud, Felix Stridsberg; Haug, Ivar Hagalid; Jacobsen, Mikkel Kayser (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I 2018 vedtok International Maritime Organization (IMO) at lovlig grense for svovelinnhold i drivstoff reduseres fra 3,5% til 0,5% globalt, og fra 0,5% til 0,1% innenfor ECA-områder. Vedtaket trådte i kraft 1. januar ...