Browsing BI Open by Author "Wong, Sut I"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Autonomous but Interdependent: The Roles of Initiated and Received Task Interdependence in Distributed Team Coordination
Berntzen, Marthe; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Distributed team arrangements are becoming “the new normal”. The present study considers the evolution of electronic commerce into an area where operational interaction and coordination of work occurs when previously only ... -
Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron?
Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian; Wong, Sut I (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Advocates of the boundaryless career perspective have relied to a great extent on the assumption that actors take responsibility for their own career development and that they consequently take charge of developing their ... -
Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron?
Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Advocates of the boundaryless career perspective have relied to a great extent on the assumption that actors take responsibility for their own career development and that they consequently take charge of developing their ... -
Can engagement go awry and lead to burnout? The moderating role of the perceived motivational climate
Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Wong, Sut I; Richardsen, Astrid Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this study, we propose that when employees become too engaged, they may become burnt out due to resource depletion. We further suggest that this negative outcome is contingent upon the perceived motivational psychological ... -
Coordination in distributed, self-managing work teams: The roles of initiated and received task interdependence
Berntzen, Marthe; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)While coordination is assumed to contribute to distributed self-managing work team performance, our knowledge about the factors influencing coordination in such team settings is limited. In the present study, we investigate ... -
Crafting one's job to take charge of role overload: When proactivity requires adaptivity across levels
Solberg, Elizabeth; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The present study investigates employees' job crafting behavior in the context of perceived role overload, and identifies employees' perceived ability to deal with work change (i.e., “perceived adaptivity”) and leaders' ... -
Crafting one’s job to take charge of role overload: When proactivity requires adaptivity across levels
Wong, Sut I; Solberg, Elizabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The present study investigates employees’ job crafting behavior in the context of perceived role overload, and identifies employees’ perceived ability to deal with work change (i.e., “perceived adaptivity”) and leaders’ ... -
Digital labourers’ proactivity and the venture for meaningful work: Fruitful or fruitless?
Wong, Sut I; Fieseler, Christian; Kost, Dominique (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Digital Labor, taking up flexible but small-scale employment arrangements on onlineintermediary platforms, with few constraints on how much, when, and where work isperformed, are becoming the new work reality for many ... -
Digital Mindsets: Recognizing and Leveraging Individual Beliefs for Digital Transformation
Solberg, Elizabeth; Traavik, Laura E. Mercer; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Employees’ beliefs about technological change, their “digital mindsets,” are likely to influence their engagement in, or withdrawal from, their company’s digital transformation initiatives. Employees’ beliefs regarding the ... -
Digital or innovative: Understanding "digital literacy - practice - innovative work behavior" chain
Pilav-Velic, Amila; Černe, Matej; Trkman, Peter; Wong, Sut I; Abaz, Anela Kadic (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Digital transformation has put tremendous pressure on employees to innovate with the use of information technology (IT). This paper explores the extent to which digital literacy and personal innovativeness contribute to ... -
Digital transformation and industry 4.0 employees: Empirical evidence from top digital nations
Nadeem, Kashif; Wong, Sut I; Za, Stefano; Venditti, Michelina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)As the central part of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Digital Transformation (DT) is being enthusiastically implemented in business organisations. Current DT literature has focused on business and strategy, but little attention has ... -
Finding Meaning in a Hopeless Place? The Construction of Meaningfulness in Digital Microwork
Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)New forms of employment centered on the completion of simple and atomized tasks, such as online microwork, raise the question of the possible gratifications that could be derived from such work when compared to more ... -
Fostering Creative Performance of Platform Crowdworkers: The Digital Feedback Dilemma
Wong, Sut I; Bunjak, Aldijana; Černe, Matej; Fieseler, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)With crowdsourcing increasingly contributing to organizations’ innovative performance, it becomes more and more important for them to cultivate the creativity of their crowdsourcing communities. While digital feedback is ... -
From crafting what you do to building resilience for career commitment in the gig economy
Wong, Sut I; Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The present study investigates how individual and collaborative job crafting may help digital labourers to build resilience and career commitment in the gig economy. Results based on a time-lagged survey from 334 digital ... -
The Future of Work, Digital Labor, and Business Legitimacy
Wong, Sut I (Chapter, 2020)The increasing trend of Internet technology platforms and its offerings of digital labor have revolutionized the world of work. Companies that compete in this so-called gig economy are breaking away from traditional work ... -
I'm creative and deserving! From self-rated creativity to creative recognition
Černe, Matej; Bunjak, Aldijana; Wong, Sut I; Moh'd, Shaima' Salem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper examines the psychological mechanism by which digital workers translate self-rated creativity into other-rated creativity (novelty and usefulness). Specifically, we explore digital workers' creative self-efficacy ... -
Identity Leadership Going Global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) across 20 Countries
Van Dick, Rolf; Lemoine, Jérémy E; Steffens, Niklas K.; Kerschreiter, Rudolf; Akfirat, Serap Arslan; Avanzi, Lorenzo; Dumont, K; Epitropaki, Olga; Fransen, Katrien; Giessner, Steffen Robert; González, Roberto; Kark, Ronit; Lipponen, Jukka; Markovits, Yannis; Monzani, Lucas; Orosz, Gábor; Pandey, Diwakar; Roland-Levy, Christine; Schuh, Sebastian C; Sekiguchi, Tomoki; Song, Lynda Jiwen; Stouten, Jeroen; Tatachari, Srinivasan; Valdenegro, Daniel; van Bunderen, Lisanne; Voros, Viktor; Wong, Sut I; Zhang, Xin-an; Haslam, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Recent theorizing applying the social identity approach to leadership proposes a four‐dimensional model of identity leadership that centres on leaders’ management of a shared sense of ‘we’ and ‘us’. This research validates ... -
Initiated and received task interdependence and distributed team performance: the mediating roles of different forms of role clarity
Wong, Sut I; van Gils, Suzanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Distributed agile teams are increasingly employed in organizations, partly due to the increased focus on digital transformation. However, research findings about the performance of such teams appear to be inconsistent, ... -
Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations
Bracht, Eva M.; Monzani, Lucas; Boer, Diana; Haslam, S. Alexander; Kerschreiter, Rudolf; Lemoine, Jérémy E; Steffens, Niklas K.; Akfirat, Serap Arslan; Avanzi, Lorenzo; Barghi, Bita; Dumont, Kitty B.; Edelmann, Charlotte M.; Epitropaki, Olga; Fransen, Katrien; Giessner, Steffen R.; Gleibs, Ilka H.; Gonzalez, Roberto; Lipponen, Jukka; Markovits, Yannis; Molero, Fernando; Leon, Juan A. Moriano; Neves, Pedro; Orosz, Gábor; Roland-Lévy, Christine; Schuh, Sebastian C.; Sekiguchi, Tomoki; Song, Lynda Jiwen; Story, Joana; Stouten, Jeroen; Tatachari, Srinivasan; Valdenegro, Daniel; van Bunderen, Lisanne; Voros, Viktor; Wong, Sut I; Youssef, Farida; Zhang, Xin-an; Van Dick, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Innovation is considered essential for today's organizations to survive and thrive. Researchers have also stressed the importance of leadership as a driver of followers' innovative work behavior (FIB). Yet, despite a large ... -
International Differences in Employee Silence Motives: Scale Validation, Prevalence, and Relationships with Culture Characteristics across 33 Countries
Knoll, Michael; Gotz, Martin; Adriasola, Elisa; AI-Atwi, Amer Ali; Arenas, Alicia; Atitsogbe, Kokou A.; Barrett, Stephen; Bhattacharjee, Anindo; Blanco C., Norman D.; Bogilovic, Sabina; Bollmann, Gregoire; Bosak, Janine; Bulut, Cagri; Carter, Madeline; Černe, Matej; Chui, Susanna L. M.; Marco, Donatella Di; Duden, Gesa; Elsey, Vicki; Fujimura, Makoto; Gatti, Paola; Ghislieri, Chiara; Giessner, Steffen Robert; Hino, Kenta; Hofmans, Joeri; Jønsson, Thomas Faurholt; Kazimna, Pazambadi; Lowe, Kevin B.; Malagon, Juliana; Mohebbi, Hassan; Montgomery, Anthony; Monzani, Lucas; Pieterse, Anne Nederveen; Ngoma, Muhammed; Ozeren, Emir; O'Shea, Deirdre; Ottsen, Christina Lundsgaard; Pickett, Jennifer; Rangkuti, Anna Armeini; Retowski, Sylwiusz; Ardabili, Farzad Sattari; Shaukat, Razia; Silva, Silvia A.; Simunic, Ana; Steffens, Niklas K.; Sultanova, Faniya; Szucs, Daria; Tavares, Susana M.; Tipandjan, Arun; Van Dick, Rolf; Vasiljevic, Dimitri; Wong, Sut I; Zacher, Hannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Employee silence, the withholding of work-related ideas, questions, or concerns from someone who could effect change, has been proposed to hamper individual and collective learning as well as the detection of errors and ...