• Collective Mindfulness: The Key to Organizational Resilience in Megaprojects 

      Wang, Linzhuo; Müller, Ralf Josef; Zhu, Fangwei; Yang, Xiaotian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The complexity, internal and external risks, and significant social impact of megaprojects make their organizational resilience particularly important. To survive potential adversities, megaproject organizational resilience ...
    • Empowerment: The key to horizontal leadership in project teams 

      Yu, Miao; Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Müller, Ralf; Wang, Linzhuo; Zhu, Fangwei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Leadership in projects can shift between the project manager (a.k.a. vertical leadership) and one or more team members (a.k.a. horizontal leadership). Our study examines the processes, dimensions, and conditions for ...
    • Governance of Interorganizational Project Networks 

      Müller, Ralf Josef; Alonderienė, Raimonda; Chmieliauskas, Alfredas; Drouin, Nathalie; Minelgaite, Inga; Pilkienė, Margarita; Šimkonis, Saulius; Unterhitzenberger, Christine; Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Wang, Linzhuo; Zhu, Fangwei (Research report, 2022)
    • Influencing factors of horizontal leaders' role identity in projects: A sequential mixed method approach 

      Zhu, Fangwei; Wang, Linzhuo; Sun, Mouxuan; Sun, Xiuxia; Müller, Ralf Josef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Horizontal leadership is temporary and often short-term compared with vertical leadership. Therefore, the role identity of horizontal leaders' is more difficult to be legitimated. In this study, we investigated how different ...
    • A (meta)governance framework for multi-level governance of inter-organizational project networks 

      Müller, Ralf Josef; Aix-Séguin, Charlotte; Alonderien, Raimonda; Bourgault, Mario; Chmieliauskas, Alfredas; Drouin, Nathalie; Ke, Yongjian; Minelgaite, Inga; Pilkienė, Margarita; Šimkonis, Saulius; Unterhitzenberger, Christine; Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Wang, Linzhuo; Zhu, Fangwei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Little is known about the governance of inter-organizational networks for projects. This study empirically develops a theoretical framework for this, using twenty-eight project networks as case studies, applying 124 ...
    • A Multilevel Governance Model for Interorganizational Project Networks 

      Unterhitzenberger, Christine; Müller, Ralf Josef; Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Ke, Yongjian; Alonderienė, Raimonda; Minelgaite, Inga; Pilkienė, Margarita; Wang, Linzhuo; Zhu, Fangwei; Drouin, Nathalie; Chmieliauskas, Alfredas; Šimkonis, Saulius; Mongeon, Mylene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study operationalizes and tests a multilevel governance model for interorganizational project networks. Results of a qualitative multicase study are used to develop a framework model with three levels of governance, ...
    • Network Governance for Interorganizational Temporary Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda 

      Wang, Linzhuo; Müller, Ralf Josef; Zhu, Fangwei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Governance of interorganizational networks for joint project execution has become a popular research theme in recent years. However, little is known about how the knowledge in this field is structured and how to further ...
    • Prior and governed stakeholder relationships: The key to resilience of inter-organizational projects 

      Yang, Xiaotian; Wang, Linzhuo; Zhu, Fangwei; Müller, Ralf Josef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Increasingly, scholars are recognising the importance of resilience in projects. However, there is a lack of research on the resilience of temporary inter-organisational projects while considering the intricate relationship ...
    • A Taxonomy of Project Management Offices and Their Organizational Project Management Landscapes 

      Müller, Ralf Josef; Wang, Linzhuo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Organizational project management (OPM) integrates project-related activities in organizations, including project management offices (PMOs) and their services. Using an organizational design perspective, this study models ...
    • The identification of temporary horizontal leaders in projects: The case of China 

      Müller, Ralf; Zhu, Fangwei; Sun, Xiuxia; Wang, Linzhuo; Yu, Miao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Balanced leadership in projects describes the dynamic transition of leadership authority between the project manager and one or more team members. Within this concept, the present study investigates the context, criteria, ...
    • Transformational leadership and project team members' silence: the mediating role of feeling trusted 

      Zhu, Fangwei; Wang, Linzhuo; Yu, Miao; Müller, Ralf Josef; Sun, Xiuxia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Silencing behavior among project team members (PTM) poses a potential threat to project results. Hence, breaking silence in projects is critical to motivate team members and beneficial for project outcomes. The purpose of ...