Browsing BI Open by Author "Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Agency problems and governance mechanisms in collaborative communities
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Collaborative communities—where participants collaboratively solve problems and integrate their contributions—are increasingly popular organizational forms in a wide variety of domains. As with any cooperative effort, ... -
Collaborative organizational forms: on communities, crowds, and new hybrids
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this article, I examine collaborative organizational forms in terms of their institutional properties and the mechanisms by which they solve the universal problems of organizing. Based on three ideal forms—markets, ... -
Designing the Intelligent Organization: Six Principles for Human-AI Collaboration
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article presents principles and practical guidelines for how managers can succeed in growing the intelligence of their organizations by harnessing the complementary strengths of humans and artificial intelligence (AI). ... -
Kunstig intelligens og lederens nye jobb
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Kunstig intelligens (Artificial Intelligence, AI), IT-applikasjoner som kan sanse, forstå, handle og lære, forventes å få stor innvirkning på alle deler av arbeidslivet, også for ledere på alle nivåer. Denne studien fokuserer ... -
On governance in collaborative communities
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Series of Dissertations;12/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014-10-24)This study explores how collaborative communities are governed. It investigates governance problems and mechanisms found in collaborative communities as well as the process of designing such mechanisms. It is an exploratory, ... -
Partnering with AI: how organizations can win over skeptical managers
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard; Amico, Richard; Thomas, Robert J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose: According to the authors’ research, while top-level executives look forward to the potential of artificial intelligent systems in their firms, line managers are much more skeptical. This article advises on ... -
Problemløsing med kunstig intelligens: Bruk av Spacemaker i tidligfase eiendomsutvikling
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard; Sannes, Ragnvald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Intelligent teknologi brukes i stadig større grad til å støtte problemløsing i organisasjoner. I denne studien utforsker vi hva som skjer med komplekse problemløsingsprosesser når kunstig intelligens introduseres og hvordan ... -
Strategiske gevinster ved robotisering i bygg- og anleggsnæringen
Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard; Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild; Sannes, Ragnvald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Digitalisering er på full fart inn i bygg- og anleggsnæringen (BA-næringen). Prosjektstyring, konstruksjon og byggeprosess digitaliseres og de analoge byggetegningene erstattes av interaktive, digitale modeller som kan ...