Blar i BI Open på forfatter "Horne, George"
Are some interoceptive sensibility components more central than others? Using item pool visualisation to understand the psychometric representation of interoception
Todd, Jennifer; Swami, Viren; Aspell, Jane E.; Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George; Stieger, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Interoception refers to the processing of stimuli originating within the body and is widely considered a multidimensional construct. However, there remains a lack of consensus regarding the definition and measurement of ... -
Body acceptance by others: Refinement of the construct, and development and psychometric evaluation of a revised measure – The Body Acceptance by Others Scale-2
Swami, Viren; Todd, Jennifer; Stieger, Stefan; Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George; Tylka, Tracy L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Body Acceptance by Others Scale (BAOS) measures the degree to which individuals perceive body acceptance by others, but its factor structure is questionable. Here, we developed a revision of the BAOS (i.e., the BAOS-2) ... -
Correlates of the Militant Extremist Mindset
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George; Grover, Simmy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This study aimed to examine bright- and dark-side personality, personal beliefs (religion and politics) and self-evaluation correlates of beliefs in the Militant Extremist Mindset (MEM). In all, 506 young adults completed ... -
Cover Ups and Conspiracy Theories: Demographics, Work Disenchantment, Equity Sensitivity, and Beliefs in Cover-ups
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Beliefs in cover-ups take the perspective of conspiracy theories. This study examined demographic, ideological, and work-related attitudes (disenchantment, equity sensitivity) and ideas about events being covered up. Over ... -
COVID-19-related stress and anxiety are associated with negative body image in adults from the United Kingdom
Swami, Viren; Horne, George; Furnham, Adrian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The stress and anxiety caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presents a serious threat to psychological well-being in populations worldwide and may also extend to body image outcomes. To test this hypothesis, we ... -
Dark- and bright-side reactions to government advice about Covid-19, and a test of a method to moderate such reactions
Martinsen, Øyvind Lund; Furnham, Adrian; Grover, Simmy; Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Horne, George (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The aim of this paper was to study how individual differences in personality shape reactions to authorities' health advice during the COVID-19 pandemic and how such reactions can be modified. Three studies, with between ... -
A facet measure of money madness: A preliminary analyses of a new questionnaire
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study reports on the development of a new, facet level questionnaire to measure “money madness” based on a well-established, four-factor model. It reviews the papers currently available to researchers on those with ... -
Myths and misconceptions about intelligence: A study of 35 myths
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study is concerned with the extent to which people believe in, and endorse, various myths about intelligence and intelligence testing. It examined the prevalence of myths about intelligence as set out in a recent book ... -
Nature exposure and positive body image: (Re-)examining the mediating roles of connectedness to nature and trait mindfulness
Swami, Viren; Barron, David; Todd, Jennifer; Horne, George; Furnham, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Previous studies have reported a significant association between nature exposure and positive body image, but understandings of the mechanisms that help to explain this link remain nascent. Here, we considered the extent ... -
The perceived usefulness of a degree as a function of discipline
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Over 500 British respondents rated the extent to which a degree in 35 different subjects/disciplines (Anthropology to Zoology) would lead to useful skills acquisition and thence a well-paid job. These ratings factored into ... -
Personality and demographic correlates of political ideology
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper was concerned with “bright” and “dark-side” personality trait correlates of political beliefs. In a series of three studies we asked people to rate their political beliefs on a simple, single, left-right, ... -
The Psychology of Queuing
Furnham, Adrian; Treglown, Luke; Horne, George (Journal article, 2020)Queuing is still a fundamental function of how many businesses operate, yet there is not a clear understanding to impact the queuing environment to increase the amount of time an individual is willing to wait, improving ... -
Sex in the dark: Sex differences on three measures of dark side personality
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examined sex differences in the scores on three different measures of the personality disorders (PDs) all derived from on-line surveys. Two groups (total N = 871) completed the Coolidge Axis-II Inventory which ... -
Social Distancing and Shopping Behaviour: The Role of Anxiety, Attention, and Awareness on Safety Preferences while Queuing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Horne, George; Furnham, Adrian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic increased global anxiety, and many people shopped less frequently. This study quantifies customer preferences in where to shop while following social distancing regulations, specifically ... -
Taking it apart and putting it back together again: Using Item PoolVisualisation to summarise complex data patterns in (positive) bodyimage research
Swami, Viren; Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George; Stieger, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Issues of construct commonality and distinguishability in body image research are typically addressed using structural equal models, but such methods can sometimes present problems of interpretation when data patterns are ... -
The Tetradic Heart of Darkness: Comparing three dark-side instruments
Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this two-study paper we examined three dark-side measures: the short Dark Tetrad measuring four dark-side traits; the SCATI measuring 14 personality disorders (PDs) and the SAPAS a single item measure for each disorder. ...