Blar i BI Open på forfatter "Birkeland, Ide Katrine"
Fire Walk with Me: Exploring the Role of Harmonious and Obsessive Passion in Well-being and Performance at Work
Birkeland, Ide Katrine (Series of Dissertations;08/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This dissertation discusses the construct of passion for work. Built on motivational theories that separate the quantity and the quality of work motivation and integration, the dualistic model of passion intends to better ... -
Incivility is (not) the very essence of love: passion for work and incivility instigation
Birkeland, Ide Katrine; Nerstad, Christina G. L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This study explored the relationship between obsessive passion for work and incivility instigations, as well as the moderating role of a mastery motivational climate. A longitudinal, three-wave study was conducted among ... -
The dualistic model of passion for work: discriminate and predictive validity with work engagement and workaholism
Birkeland, Ide Katrine; Buch, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The purpose of this paper was to investigate the discriminant and predictive validity of the dualistic model of passion for work. Harmonious and obsessive passion was compared to work engagement and workaholism in two ... -
The role of passion and support perceptions in changing burnout: A Johnson-Neyman approach
Birkeland, Ide Katrine; Richardsen, Astrid Marie; Dysvik, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study explored the relationship between obsessive and harmonious passion for work and burnout, as well as the moderating roles of perceived supervisor support and perceived coworker support. A longitudinal, 3-wave ... -
Undersøkelse om lokale lønnstillegg i barnehage og skole
Kuvaas, Bård; Birkeland, Ide Katrine (Forskningsrapport;2/2018, Research Report, 2018)Hovedformålet med lærerundersøkelsen var å undersøke om det er noen sammenheng på størrelsen på de lokale lønnstilleggene, rettferdighetsopplevelser, direkte incentiveffekt, indre motivasjon, affektiv organisasjonsforpliktelse ...