Browsing BI Open by Document Types "Others"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Book Review: How Will You Measure Your Life?
(Others, 2020)How will you measure your life? is the question that Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon set out to answer in this stimulating book, applying management theories to the task of developing a strategy for ... -
Business schools and the roles of the executives' wives
(Journal article; Others, 2021)This article shows how historical studies enrich our understanding of imprinting theory and can further our knowledge about gender in business schools. In the founding period of executive education following World War II, ... -
Coming Apart While Scaling Up – Adoption of Logics and the Fragmentation of Organizational Identity in Science-based Ventures
(Others, 2023)When trying to commercialize, science-based ventures often face contradicting institu-tional logics. While stakeholders appreciate scientific ability, they also increasingly demand conces-sions to a commercial logic focusing ... -
Dispositional and ideological factor correlate of conspiracy thinking and beliefs
(Others, 2022)This study explored how the Big Five personality traits, as well as measures of personality disorders, are related to two different measures of conspiracy theories (CTs)The two measures correlated r = .58 and were applied ... -
Examining the roots of turnover intentions in the Royal Norwegian Navy, the role of embeddedness, work-life conflict and predictability
(Others, 2022)Retaining qualified personnel is a priority forarmed forces, and turnover presents a serious problem.This study uses job embeddedness theory to investigateembeddedness factors, predictability and work–life con-flict as ... -
Is psychological science progressing? Explained variance in PsycINFO articles during the period 1956 to 2022
(Others, 2022)We aimed to numerically assess the progress of modern psychological science. Average explained variance in 1565 included articles was 42.8 percent, and this was constant during 1956 to 2022. We explored whether this ... -
Lagring av forskningsdata i Norge - hva tilbyr de største arkivene? Prosjektrapport
(Others, 2015)I løpet av de to siste årene er det kommet krav fra forskningsfinansiører omkring tilgjengeliggjøring av forskningsdata når prosjekter har fått økonomisk støtte (European Commission, 2013; Norges forskningsråd, 2014b). ... -
Limits of a Second Language: Native and Second Languages in Management Team Communication
(Others, 2021)Cultural differences in speech acts are common challenges in management involving Chinese and Western managers. Comparing four groups – Native-speaking Chinese, English-speaking Chinese, Chinese-speaking Westerners, and ... -
“Never mind the fine print”: The interaction of semantics with attitude strength beliefs on corporate cover-ups
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Others, 2024)This study examined the interaction between attitude strength and the cognitive constraints imposed by the semantic properties of measurement items. It made use of digital algorithms and built on the semantic theory of ... -
Non-parametric Regression Among Factor Scores: Motivation and Diagnostics for Nonlinear Structural Equation Models
(Others, 2024)We provide a framework for motivating and diagnosing the functional form in the structural part of nonlinear or linear structural equation models when the measurement model is a correctly specified linear confirmatory ... -
Nye forventninger til ledelse?
(Others, 2020)Det er skrevet mye om god ledelse og hva det innebærer å være en god leder. Listene er relativt overlappende og vanskelig å være uenig i (Birkinshaw 2014). Likevel, det er lov å være nysgjerrig på hvordan vår digitale, ... -
Partial Identification of Latent Correlations with Ordinal Data
(Others, 2023)The polychoric correlation is a popular measure of association for ordinal data. It estimates a latent correlation, i.e., the correlation of a latent vector. This vector is assumed to be bivariate normal, an assumption ... -
The Priest, the Sex Worker, and the CEO: Measuring Motivation by Job Type
(Others, 2020)This study uses latent semantic analysis (LSA) to explore how prevalent measures of motivation are interpreted across very diverse job types. Building on the Semantic Theory of Survey Response (STSR), we calculate “semantic ... -
The process of framing innovation activities: How strategic leaders erode their ideas for radical innovations
(Others, 2024)Understanding what impedes and facilitates radical innovation is crucial. This study introduces a process perspective on managerial cognition into the strategic leadership literature to elucidate the dynamics that contribute ... -
[Review of the book Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics, by Tattersall, A. (Ed.) et al.].
(Others, 2017)Book review of Altmetrics: A Practical Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Academics, by Andy Tattersall, ed. London: Facet Publishing, 2016. 224p. $95.00 (ISBN 978-1-78330-010-5). -
Studenter og digitale tekster : sluttrapport for prosjeket
(Others, 2014)En hovedkonklusjon vi kan trekke er at studenter er studenter. Det faktum at de fikk låne en iPad, fikk tilgang til alt læremateriell elektronisk uten kostnad, og fikk mer informasjon via digitale kanaler endret ikke deres ... -
Trust after just 45 seconds? An experimental vignette study of how leader behavior and emotional states influence immediate trust in strangers
(Others, 2020)Many critical and unexpected situations are handled by people that have never met. In the literature, development of immediate trust has been identified as a prerequisite for such temporary groups and leadership to function ... -
The Unequal Effects of Trade and Automation across Local Labor Markets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Others, 2024)We quantify the joint impact of the China shock and automation of labor, across US commuting zones (CZs) in the period 2000–2007. To this end, we employ a multi-sector gravity model of trade with Roy-Fréchet worker ... -
The untold story: Teaching cases and the rise of international business as a new academic field
(Others, 2023)The dominant narrative about the rise of international business (IB) focuses on early research and the institutionalization of a new academic field. In this study, we explore the role of case writing in the field’s formative ...