• Piecing the puzzle: Real exchange rates and long-run fundamentals 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Brubakk, Leif; Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolò (CAMP Working Paper Series;07/2024, Working paper, 2024-12-19)
      This paper examines the structural determinants of real exchange rates, emphasizing the persistent low frequency movements that traditional models, such as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP), ...
    • Where do they care? The ECB in the media and inflation expectations 

      Larsen, Vegard Høghaug; Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolò; Pagenhardt, Laura (CAMP Working Paper Series;04/2023, Working paper, 2023-05-10)
      This paper examines how news coverage of the European Central Bank (ECB) affects consumer inflation expectations in the four largest euro area countries. Utilizing a unique dataset of multilingual European news articles, ...