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Dutch Disease Dynamics Reconsidered
(CAMP Working Paper Series;4, Working paper, 2018-02)In this paper we develop the first model to incorporate the dynamic productivity consequences of both the spending effect and the resource movement effect of oil abundance. We show that doing so dramatically alters the ... -
Earnings Management Priorities of Private Family Firms
(CCGR Working Paper;3/2010, Working paper, 2010)We compare earnings management priorities of private family and private non-family firms. Our study is made possible by the availability of a new and unique database on family relationships between CEOs, board members and ... -
The Economic Consequences of Effective Carbon Taxes
(CAMP Working Paper Series;01/2023, Working paper, 2023-01)This paper studies the economic consequences of carbon taxes at the macroeconomic and sectoral level. I propose a novel monthly measure of effective carbon tax rates, which, in contrast to the measures used by the existing ... -
The effect of rising energy prices amid geopolitical developments and supply disruptions
(CAMP Working Paper Series;07/2022, Working paper, 2022-12)Much research has documented how changes in supply and demand cause commodity price fluctuations, with subsequent effects on the global economy. This paper puts the recent energy price surge in perspective amid geopolitical ... -
Effectiveness of monetary policy in Euroland
(CME Working paper series;1/2000, Working paper, 2000) -
Efficient Exclusion
(CREAM Publications; 9/2010, Working paper, 2010)In their influential paper, Aghion and Bolton (1987) argue that a buyer and a seller may agree on high liquidation damages in order to extract rents from future suppliers. As this may distort future trade, it may be socially ... -
Efficient Perturbation Methods for Solving Regime-Switching DSGE Models
(CAMP Working Papers Series;10/2014, Working paper, 2014)In an environment where economic structures break, variances change, distributions shift, conventional policies weaken and past events tend to reoccur, economic agents have to form expectations over different regimes. ... -
Elleve i Kina - ved èn av dem
(CME Working paper series;8/2006, Working paper, 2006)Arbeidsnotatet er rapport fra studietur til Kina mai 2006. Fra ledende akademikere i Shanghai, via skarpe analytikere i Beijing til de monetære myndigheter i Hong Kong. -
En dag med China Daily
(CME Working Paper Series;6/2009, Working paper, 2009)Kina er et land som står midt oppe i store omstillinger, både i landet og i sin relasjon til andre land. Avisen China Daily er myndighetenes talerør, og blir dermed en god pekepinn på hva myndighetene i Kina ønsker å ... -
Entrepreneurship: Origins and Returns
(CREAM Publications;7/2010, Working paper, 2010)We examine the origins and outcome of entrepreneurship on the basis of exceptionally comprehensive Norwegian matched worker-firm-owner data. In contrast to most existing studies, our notion of entrepreneurship not only ... -
Er eurotilknytning så ille?
(CME Working paper series;5/1999, Working paper, 1999) -
Estimating the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;2/2024, Working paper, 2024-07)This paper studies the spending response to news about a dividend tax reform to estimate the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS). The Norwegian dividend tax reform was proposed in 2003, announced in 2004, and ... -
Etter oljen: Utfordringer for norsk økonomi
(CME Working Papers;2/2013, Working paper, 2013)Petroleumsressursene er viktigste årsak til at Norge ligger på inntektstoppen i OECD, selv om en bare ser på fastlandsøkonomien. Ved hjelp av en naturlig, lokal monopolfordel har denne klart å tilegne seg store deler av ... -
EU, ØMU og EU etter ØMU
(CME Working paper series;2/1999, Working paper, 1999) -
Euroen og de nordiske velferdsstater
(CME Working paper series;6/2000, Working paper, 2000) -
Euroen og den norske kronens skjebne
(CME Working paper series;4/1998, Working paper, 1998) -
European Perspectives on Participation in the Sharing Economy
(Research report, 2017)Recent analyses have indicated a rising share of Europeans participating in the sharing economy (Eurobarometer, 2016). However, few studies have delved deeply into the distinctions between those participating in the sharing ... -
European Perspectives on Power in the Sharing Economy
(Research report, 2017)This report, ‘European Perspectives on Power in the Sharing Economy’, forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the Sharing ... -
European Perspectives on Privacy in the Sharing Economy
(Research report, 2017)This report ‘European Perspectives on Privacy in the Sharing Economy’ forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the Sharing ... -
Exchange rate risk in the Government Pension Fund Global
(CME Working paper series;1/2011, Working paper, 2011)The Government Pension Fund Global (the Fund) is an important instrument of national saving. In a national perspective, the Fund's role is to save from the cur- rent export surplus (oil and gas) to nance future purchases ...