Blar i Student papers på tittel
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Structural effects on alliance performance : a case study of airline alliances
(Master thesis, 2012-05-10)The objective of this thesis is to study the connection between the structure of strategic alliances and their realized performance. In order to determine how performance is affected by structural characteristics, an ... -
Strukturering av ESG-arbeid: en case-studie av Oslo-filharmonien
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Bærekraft er i økende grad et ord som påvirker samfunnet vi lever i. Det brukes både på globalt, nasjonalt, virksomhets- og individnivå. Høsten 2023 satte også Oslo-filharmonien i gang et bærekraftsprosjekt med en tilhørende ... -
Studentenes atferdsendring ved økt studiestøtte
(Bachelor thesis, 2012-10-18)Denne oppgaven har som hensikt å se på hvordan en økt studiestøtte ville forandret studenters hverdag. Vi har jobbet ut i fra at lånekassen ønsker svar på konsekvensene av økt studiestøtte innenfor studenters forbruk, ... -
Studenter og næringsliv i samspill
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-09-11)Næringsforeningen i Trondheimsregionen (NiT) arbeider med å styrke det regionale næringsliv. På bakgrunn av tidligere forskning, vekkes det interesse rundt hvordan man skal beholde de menneskelige ressursene og kompetansen ... -
Studentrekruttering – valgfaktorer og informasjonskilder
(Master thesis, 2019)I denne oppgaven vil jeg å undersøke hvordan min arbeidsgiver OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet kan drive rekruttering av studenter mest effektivt. Jeg ser da på to forhold: 1. hvilke valgfaktorer som har betydning for ... -
A study of Adaptive Performance: Facilitating for adaptive behavior through Transformational Leadership and Psychological Safety during Covid-19
(Master thesis, 2021)In order to better understand the promotion of adaptive behavior during Covid-19, the following research investigates the relationship between transformational leadership and subscales of adaptive performance, as well ... -
A study of artificial intelligence in relation to organizational change
(Master thesis, 2020)The pace of change in the evolving business environment has never been higher, and as a part of the broader automation movement, artificial intelligence (AI) will have a fundamental impact on the way we do business. This ... -
A study of illiquidity Noise on International Sovereign Bonds
(Master thesis, 2023)This research aims to measure illiquidity noise in the international sovereign bond market, by analyzing the level of noise in our selected countries during normal times and especially during crises. The research will also ... -
A study of long-term stock performance and firm age-at-IPO in the Nordic countries
(Master thesis, 2021)We study 117 IPOs in the Nordic countries from 2000 to 2015, investigating whether there is an age-effect on firm performance, and the relationship between long-term stock performance and firm age-at-IPO. We define ... -
A study of oil and gascompanies and theirstrategies regarding energy transition
(Master thesis, 2022)The following master thesis explored energy transition and its impact on oil and gas companies’ strategies and activities. Existing literature, in the light of the internalisation theory, has investigated the evolutions ... -
A study of the liquidity in the Nordic EPAD market: What are the reasons for the EPAD contracts current state of liquidity and what is needed to stimulate the market for an increase in the liquidity? & Why is a liquid hedging market on exchange important for the Nordic net-zero transitioning process?
(Master thesis, 2022)The complexity of the power market creates intricate liquidity challenges when offering needed solutions to market participants. The Electricity Price Area Differential (EPAD) product is such a solution. It allows you to ... -
A Study on Employee Well-Being: Investigating the effects of implementing Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management practices.
(Master thesis, 2020)The following study investigates the growing digitalization in a contemporary society and, particularly, how it is influencing the human resource management field. With burgeoning technology, we look to new solutions on ... -
A Study on Firm Resilience During Covid-19: Investigating Capabilities that Enable Firms to Effectively Cope with Disruptions
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship of disruption orientation, proactive risk management, industry competition, financial capital, and diversified income stream on firm resilience in the context of ... -
A study on opt-out choices and how it is framing gender differences in the decision to compete for promotion
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis aims to investigate how an opt-out choice may frame genders. By making a vignette with four scenarios I will research how the society, more specifically, how the respondents view men and women when they ... -
A Study on the Causal Relationships between Cross-Sectional Momentum Strategies and Macroeconomic Variables Pre- and Post-2008 Financial Crisis.
(Master thesis, 2023)This master's thesis examines cross-sectional momentum strategies in the context of changes in macroeconomic variables preceding and following the 2008 financial crisis. Testing the hypothesis that there may be an altered ... -
(Master thesis, 2021)After the outbreak of coronavirus, the Chinese economy and consumption have been negatively affected. First, our study qualitatively analyses the impact channels of the Covid-19 on consumption. Theoretically, in addition ... -
Styrets redegjørelse og erklæring ved selskapsfinansierte aksjeerverv»
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Styrets redegjørelse og erklæring ved selskapsfinansierte aksjeerverv undersøker om et utvalg av norske selskaper oppfyller kravene til dokumentasjon ved selskapsfinansierte aksjeerverv i henhold til aksjeloven og ... -
Styring av usikkerhet i prosjektets livssyklus
(Bachelor thesis, 2010-10-14)I denne prosjektoppgaven har jeg tatt utgangspunkt i et valgt tema, usikkerhetshåndtering i prosjekter. Gjennom å velge dette temaet har jeg forsøkt å belyse en problemstilling som inneholder elementene kontrakter og ... -
Styringsrett eller oppsigelse
(Master thesis, 2022)Saken gjelder om arbeidstaker A som arbeidet i fast stilling etter AML §14-9 (Lovdata, AML) ved Meskvik kommune hadde krav på å fortsette i sin faste stilling med de avtalte ferieordninger som var gjort for hun A og ... -
Suboptimal producer behavior: Evidence from the Permian basin
(Master thesis, 2018)In this master thesis we examine to what extent shale well producers in the Permian basin respond flexibly in terms of allocating output intertemporally to price incentives. We use an extensive panel data based on micro ...