Now showing items 2042-2061 of 3217

    • Motivation and Compensation among Management Consultants: Incentive Effects, Perceived Fairness, Exchange Relationships, Intrinsic Motivation, and Turnover Intention 

      Phan, Susie; Johnsen, Maria Carlsen (Master thesis, 2020)
      In this study, we explored the relations between motivation and compensation amongst knowledge workers, particularly management consultants, through various employee outcomes. This study posits that management consultants ...
    • Motivational climate, attitudes toward change and the mediating role of employees mindset 

      Østre, Eivind; Goffeng, Eirik Fredheim (Master thesis, 2017)
      This study seeks to explore how perceived motivational climate at work may influence employees’ attitudes to change, and further, whether employees’ mindset mediates this relationship. According to the results, the ...
    • Motstandsdyktighet i psykologisk trygge virtuelle team 

      Ostojic, Andreja; Nylund, Maren; Bjørkhaug, Kari (Master thesis, 2021)
      Formål: Den pågående pandemien som har oppstått det siste halvannet året har tvunget millioner av mennesker til å endre måten å arbeide på. Å brått gå over til virtuelle team har vært et stort eksperiment i seg selv hva ...
    • Mottak og håndtering av varsling : et dybdestudium av "VimpelCom-saken". 

      Gården, Marianne Thoresen; Vinvand, Eirin Bjerland (Master thesis, 2017)
      Formålet med oppgaven har vært å få en bredere forståelse av varslingspraksis innad virksomheter, og hvordan mottak av håndtering behandles, basert på VimpelCom-saken. Oppgaven skal besvares i form av vår overordnede ...
    • Moving towards a Circular Economy: The effect of cooperation on eco-innovation. Evidence from German firms 

      Stich, Kilian Simon; Bosshart, Lucas Jeremy (Master thesis, 2023)
      This paper aims to investigate how cooperation influences firms to conduct eco-innovations. The main research objective is to empirically ascertain the presence of a positive association between inter-firm cooperation and ...
    • Moving towards a Circular Economy: The effect of cooperation on eco-innovation. Evidence from German firms 

      Stich, Kilian Simon; Bosshart, Lucas Jeremy (Master thesis, 2023)
      This paper aims to investigate how cooperation influences firms to conduct eco-innovations. The main research objective is to empirically ascertain the presence of a positive association between inter-firm cooperation and ...
    • Multi-sensory matters: How to Increase Online Purchase Intention for Experience Goods 

      Suzic, Nikolina; Win, Ellen (Master thesis, 2021)
      The present research study focuses on the effects of textual and visual website attributes on customers’ purchasing intention for experience products that require a smell-sensory experience (i.e., fragrances). Additionally, ...
    • Multi-sensory matters: How to Increase Online Purchase Intention for Experience Goods 

      Ulvestad, Ragnhild Elin Pettersen; Robles, Ariadna Puiggené (Master thesis, 2021)
      The present research study focuses on the effects of textual and visual website attributes on customers’ purchasing intention for experience products that require a smell-sensory experience (i.e., fragrances). Additionally, ...
    • Multicultural Leadership 

      Skovsgaard, Eric Christian King (Master thesis, 2023)
      Mini Case – Differences at Work Based on Agerström et al. (2009) article, how would you apply to this case to classify the prejudice and hostile remark during the conversation – explicit or implicit prejudice? The Agerström ...
    • Multicultural Leadership 

      Skovsgaard, Eric Christian Kin (Master thesis, 2023)
    • Multifactor Strategy Implementation in the Norwegian Equity Market 

      Molvik, Erlend Hjertaker; Lillebo, Maren Paulsen (Master thesis, 2021)
      We study the performance of implementation methods for multifactor strategies in the Norwegian equity market. We compare the risk-adjusted performance of three different strategies implemented with equal weights, ...
    • Multikanalstrategien til Telenor 

      Joheim, Audun; Mikalsen, Celine Hopen (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan Telenor i en stor bransje differensierer seg mot konkurrentene ved bruk av multikanalstrategi, og hvordan kundelojaliteten og tilfredsheten blir påvirket av det. Oppgaven ...
    • Multinational Tax Avoidance and Tax Policy 

      Solli, Håvard Landgraff; Hansson, Oliver (Master thesis, 2018)
      Previous literature provides evidence that multinational corporations (MNC) are significantly less profitable in terms of taxable income than domestic controlled corporations (DCC) in Norway. The differential in taxable ...
    • Multiproject "hostile" environments 

      Berzal, Pablo (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      This thesis addresses the problems and challenges of working in a multiproject environment, and what could we do to improve it. The thesis has been prepared in connection with the program BIK 6512 Project Management 3, ...
    • Multitasking blant ledere - er det effektiviserende eller bare bekymringsløs distraksjon fra virkeligheten? 

      Gangnes, Ørjan (Master thesis, 2021)
      Som student ved Handelshøyskolen BI og kurset Tilstedeværende ledelse - i en digital tid, så fikk jeg en økt oppmerksomhet mot det som irriterte meg mest ved andre. Nemlig at de ikke var tilstedeværende, eller at de ...
    • Musikk, kunst, festival; må man velge? 

      Wensås, Heidi Elisabeth; Sundsfjord, Sandra (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven er avsluttende for studiet Creative Industries Management ved Handelshøyskolen BI. Gjennomgående diskuteres problemstillingen som omhandler hvorvidt utsmykning på musikkfestivaler blir oppfattet ...
    • Mutual fund management costs and lifetime wealth accumulation : a consumption utility function 

      Slemenjak, Andrej (Master thesis, 2017)
      I am studying how mutual fund management costs affect lifetime wealth accumulation and thus consumption utility. I take an individual who is 25 years old and starts saving for retirement, retires at age 65 and stays ...
    • Mutual Fund Performance in the U.S. Market 

      Hui, Wan Hin; Fjetland, Tommy (Master thesis, 2016)
      This paper examines whether actively managed U.S. mutual equity funds exhibit any statistical persistence in mutual fund performance by applying three different methods. The backbone for the methods is the sorting procedure ...
    • Mutual Fund Size and Fund Performance 

      Urdahl, Line; Vasset, Sandra (Master thesis, 2019)
      This thesis studies the relationship between size and performance for 67 equity mutual funds in Norway, using a 14 years dataset free of survivorship bias from January 2005 to December 2018. We construct three portfolios ...
    • Myter rundt mobbeoffer på norske arbeidsplasser 

      Steimler, Torunn; Mattson, Torunn (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven er en del av et større forskningsprosjekt om mobbing i arbeidslivet. Prosjektet heter “Kunnskap og antagelser om mobbing i arbeidslivet”. I vår del har vi valgt å se nærmere på hvilke myter som finnes rundt ...