Browsing Student papers by Title
Now showing items 2037-2056 of 3188
Multifactor Strategy Implementation in the Norwegian Equity Market
(Master thesis, 2021)We study the performance of implementation methods for multifactor strategies in the Norwegian equity market. We compare the risk-adjusted performance of three different strategies implemented with equal weights, ... -
Multikanalstrategien til Telenor
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan Telenor i en stor bransje differensierer seg mot konkurrentene ved bruk av multikanalstrategi, og hvordan kundelojaliteten og tilfredsheten blir påvirket av det. Oppgaven ... -
Multinational Tax Avoidance and Tax Policy
(Master thesis, 2018)Previous literature provides evidence that multinational corporations (MNC) are significantly less profitable in terms of taxable income than domestic controlled corporations (DCC) in Norway. The differential in taxable ... -
Multiproject "hostile" environments
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)This thesis addresses the problems and challenges of working in a multiproject environment, and what could we do to improve it. The thesis has been prepared in connection with the program BIK 6512 Project Management 3, ... -
Multitasking blant ledere - er det effektiviserende eller bare bekymringsløs distraksjon fra virkeligheten?
(Master thesis, 2021)Som student ved Handelshøyskolen BI og kurset Tilstedeværende ledelse - i en digital tid, så fikk jeg en økt oppmerksomhet mot det som irriterte meg mest ved andre. Nemlig at de ikke var tilstedeværende, eller at de ... -
Musikk, kunst, festival; må man velge?
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne bacheloroppgaven er avsluttende for studiet Creative Industries Management ved Handelshøyskolen BI. Gjennomgående diskuteres problemstillingen som omhandler hvorvidt utsmykning på musikkfestivaler blir oppfattet ... -
Mutual fund management costs and lifetime wealth accumulation : a consumption utility function
(Master thesis, 2017)I am studying how mutual fund management costs affect lifetime wealth accumulation and thus consumption utility. I take an individual who is 25 years old and starts saving for retirement, retires at age 65 and stays ... -
Mutual Fund Performance in the U.S. Market
(Master thesis, 2016)This paper examines whether actively managed U.S. mutual equity funds exhibit any statistical persistence in mutual fund performance by applying three different methods. The backbone for the methods is the sorting procedure ... -
Mutual Fund Size and Fund Performance
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis studies the relationship between size and performance for 67 equity mutual funds in Norway, using a 14 years dataset free of survivorship bias from January 2005 to December 2018. We construct three portfolios ... -
Myter rundt mobbeoffer på norske arbeidsplasser
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven er en del av et større forskningsprosjekt om mobbing i arbeidslivet. Prosjektet heter “Kunnskap og antagelser om mobbing i arbeidslivet”. I vår del har vi valgt å se nærmere på hvilke myter som finnes rundt ... -
Napoleon Bonaparte
(Master thesis, 2024)I vår oppgave har vi valgt å se nærmere på Napoleon Bonaparte, en av de mest omtalte og fascinerende lederne i Europeisk historie. Vi har tatt utgangspunkt i hans spektakulære reise fra barndommen på Korsika til å bli ... -
Narcissism, span of supervision, and outcomes in a municipality context
(Master thesis, 2017)Purpose: To enhance the understanding of the complex interplay between leaders and followers we examined the link between narcissistic leadership and two follower outcomes; loyalty and job satisfaction in a Norwegian ... -
Narratives of change in Norsk Gjenvinning: A journey towards sustainable waste management
(Master thesis, 2018)According to Erik Osmundsen, the CEO of Norsk Gjenvinning (NG), the waste management business is intrinsically a very sustainable industry, but it is operating in a non-sustainable way. Sustainability has become the ... -
Narratives of change in OBOS and ManpowerGroup: Temporal perspectives on gender equality
(Master thesis, 2020)The founder and CEO of SHE, Heidi Aven has built an index that will help companies uncover gender imbalance in their organization. The goal is to use hard facts to close the gender gap. Gender equality has become a ... -
Narrowing the Intention-Action Gap in Recycling: Effectiue Governance of the end-consumer-turned-supplier (ECTS} - Reverse System Relationship
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the governance of the relationship between the end-consumer-turned-supplier (ECTS) and reverse logistics systems. Through an extensive review of literature, it is evident that the relationship between ... -
Navigating emotional waters: Exploring the relationship between emotion validation and LMX: The moderating role of attachment style
(Master thesis, 2023)This study aims to explore the relationship between emotion validation and leader-member exchange, with a particular focus on the potential influence of attachment style. Using a cross-sectional design, this study investigates ... -
Navigating Market Distress: Dynamic Portfolio Management Using Hidden Markov Models
(Master thesis, 2024)We develop a regime-switching model combining the approaches of Moreira and Muir and Daniel, Jagannathan, and Kim to construct regime-aware portfolios. Our model predicts and bypasses regimes of market distress, ... -
Navigating Perspectives in the Electric Vehicle Market - Unraveling the Effect of Message Sidedness on Electric Vehicle Adoption
(Master thesis, 2024)EVs have been proposed as a significant contributor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transportation and address climate change effects on a long-term basis. However, despite these environmental benefits and governmental ... -
Navigating the Intricacies of Greenwashing Across Digital Formats: An Examination of Non-Greenwashing and Greenwashing Posts in Visual and Textual Contexts.
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis seeks to bridge a research gap concerning the credibility of greenwashing in digital channels. It does so by exploring lifelike scenarios in the form of visual content—represented through brand awareness posts—and ... -
Navigating the New Normal: Unveiling the Emergence of the Motivational Climate in Hybrid Work
(Master thesis, 2023)Several organizations are now implementing a hybrid work model. In spite of this, there is lack of research that addresses the emergence of a motivational climate in hybrid work. This thesis explores the emergence of the ...