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Enhancing Intangible Resources in Professional Service Firms: A Comparative Study of How Competence Development Takes Place in Four Firms
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2007)Over the last two decades, there has been a tremendous interest in knowledge, or competence, as the principal source of value creation and economic rent. Inspired by this current, this research project started from curiosity ... -
Essay on the determinants of oil, and the post-oil era and democracy
(Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Quantifying supply-side climate policies (by: Lassi Ahlvik, Jørgen Juel Andersen, Jonas Hveding Hamang, Torfinn Harding) Abstract: What are the effects of supply-side climate policies? We use global company-level data ... -
Essays in Empirical Market Microstructure
(Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Abstract chapter 1: Prime money market funds (MMFs) frequently receive support from their sponsors during periods of acute market stress. While sponsor support can help restore investor confidence in the fund, it also poses ... -
Essays in Macro-Finance
(Series of Dissertation; 11/2018, Doctoral thesis, 2018)This thesis is motivated by the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008. The financial crises posed a challenge for economics - both in terms of understanding the events that were unfolding and in terms of understanding the ... -
Essays in prediction, expectation, formation, and labor economics
(Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)News media versus FRED-MD for macroeconomic forecasting (Jon Ellingsen, Vegard Larsen, Leif Anders Thorsrud) Abstract: Using a unique dataset of 22.5 million news articles from the Dow Jones Newswires Archive, we perform ... -
Essays on decision making dynamics in politics and consumer choice
(Series of Dissertation;8/2018, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Individuals’ choices are the foundation in economics; an individual makes the choice that maximizes her utility. Doing nothing or maintaining a previous decision is also a choice—the status quo choice (Samuelson and ... -
Essays on Market Microstructure
(Series of Dissertation;2/2019, Doctoral thesis, 2019)This dissertation consists of four paper: “Fixing the fix? Assessing the Effectiveness of the 4PM Fix Benchmark”, “Trading strategies and information flow around price benchmarks”, “A note on optimal trade times for financial ... -
Essays on relational outcomes in mixed-motive situations
(Series of Dissertations;7/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-19)The current dissertation comprises three chapters, each of which is a separate research article, on relational outcomes in mixed-motive situations. Chapter 1 uncovers how trustors’ social-cognitive motivation to manage ... -
Evolutionary and power perspectives on headquarters-subsidiary knowledge transfer: The role of disseminative and absorptive capacities
(Series of Dissertations;4/2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-02)Through longitudinal case studies of headquarters-subsidiary knowledge transfer, I explore knowledge sender and receiver capabilities, and the underlying micro-mechanisms that have implications on knowledge transfer processes ... -
Experimental Markets with Frictions
(Series of Dissertations; 9/2017, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Included in this dissertation are four articles: (1) Market Entry with Frictional Matching and Bargaining: Labor Search in the Lab (2) Discrimination in Small Markets with Directed Search: Part I Theory (3) Discrimination ... -
Facility based competition in telecommunications : three essays on two-way access and one essay on three-way access
(Series of Dissertations;5/2006, Doctoral thesis, 2006)In order to reap all benefits from telecommunications, competing firms typically have to cooperate in order to exploit economies of scale and scope. Thus, firms being active in the same market are supposed to compete ... -
Fire Walk with Me: Exploring the Role of Harmonious and Obsessive Passion in Well-being and Performance at Work
(Series of Dissertations;08/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This dissertation discusses the construct of passion for work. Built on motivational theories that separate the quantity and the quality of work motivation and integration, the dualistic model of passion intends to better ... -
Formation of research collaborations between universities and firms: Towards an integrated framework of tie formation motives, processes and experiences
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2006)The purpose of the study is to address the following research questions: What are the preconditions for forming ties between academic research environments and firms, and do such preconditions have anything to say for how ... -
Fra instrumentell rasjonalitet til tvetydighet: En analyse av utviklingen av Statskonsults tilnærming til standarden Mål- og resultatstyring (MRS)1987-2004
(Series of Dissertations;3/2011, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Hva skjer når folk konfronteres med faste standarder eller mål, som er ment å skulle endre adferd i organisasjonsmessige og andre samfunnsmessige sammenhenger? Beskrivelser av slike standarders virkninger ofte har karakter ... -
From Tool to Actor: How a project came to orchestrate its own life and that of others
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2006)The empirical study of this dissertation is informed by process theories. The collection of empirical material and the analysis of it have spun around the following concepts: connecting, heterogeneity, and contingency. The ... -
How do metal musicians become entrepreneurial? A phenomenological investigation on opportunity recognition
(Series of Dissertations;10/2011, Doctoral thesis, 2011)In this dissertation, becoming entrepreneurial mean that musicians undertake commercial activities that are necessary for artistic creativity and performance. In order to analyse the entrepreneurial process, I have ... -
How Reforms Influence Organisational Practices: The Cases of Public Roads and Electricity Supply Organisations in Norway
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2005)With respect to how radical transformation of organisational practices a reform objective presuppose, both moderate and radical public management reforms can be identified. In addition, both radical and more limited ... -
Hydrogen in the making – how an energy company organises under uncertainty
(Series of Dissertations;2/2011, Doctoral thesis, 2011)This thesis combines an analytical interest in innovation process studies with an empirical interest in clean energy development. My work concentrates on innovation processes from initiation to realisation in a company ... -
Incremental product development : four essays on activities, resources, and actors
(Series of Dissertations;1/2006, Doctoral thesis, 2006)Most innovations are incremental, and incremental innovations play an important role for the firm. In spite of that, traditional NPD studies most often emphasize moderate to highly innovative product development projects. ... -
The influence of stakeholder groups on organizational decision-making in public hospitals
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2003)he thesis presents a contextual analysis that makes an exposition of the structural contingencies of the Norwegian welfare state. A descriptive/ empirical analysis of the public hospital’s decision-making processes provides ...