• Markedsføring og delingsøkonomi: Muligheter og utfordringer 

      Iversen, Nina M.; Hem, Leif E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Interessen for og utbredelsen av delingsøkonomien har økt kraftig de siste ti årene. I flere og flere næringer vokser det frem nye innovative aktører som utnytter delingsøkonomiens prinsipper, og som samtidig utfordrer de ...
    • Markedsføring: ikke bare for de store! 

      Andreassen, Tor W. (Journal article, 2010)
      Oppsummert er markedsføring et spørsmål om tre begivenheter: tiltrekke seg de rette kundene, beholde og utvikle de rette lønnsomme kundene og forholde seg til de ulønnsomme kundene gjennom en rekke produkter eller ...
    • Market policy and destructive network effects 

      Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Håkansson, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper analyses how different policy perspectives or logics regarding industry organising affect network interaction, with particular focus on how the availability of resources is organised To examine this we compare ...
    • Market-specific Sunk Export Costs: The Impact of Learning and Spillovers 

      Maurseth, Per Botolf; Medin, Hege (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Firms may face sunk costs when entering an export market. Previous studies have focused on global or country-specific sunk export costs. This study analyses the importance of market-specific sunk export costs (defining ...
    • Markov switching panel with endogenous synchronization effects 

      Agudze, Komla M.; Billio, Monica; Casarin, Roberto; Ravazzolo, Francesco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This paper introduces a new dynamic panel model with multi-layer network effects. Series-specific latent Markov chain processes drive the dynamics of the observable processes, and several types of interaction effects among ...
    • Materialised Ideals: Sizes and Beauty 

      Laitala, Kirsi Maria; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Hauge, Benedicte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Author: Kirsi Laitala*, Ingun Grimstad Klepp** and Benedicte Hauge*** Affiliation: *National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO), Norway; Department of Product Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...
    • Matforsyning og klimapolitikk 

      Gaasland, Ivar; Vårdal, Erling (Journal article, 2017)
      Bøndene hevder at jordbruket må skjermes mot klimatiltak som rammer norsk matforsyning, målt ved selvforsyningsgraden. Ved å endre sammensetningen av jordbruksstøtten i favør av matvarer som forurenser lite i forhold til ...
    • Mattering in Digital Labor 

      Bucher, Eliane; Fieseler, Christian; Lutz, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Purpose: Online gig labor platforms bring together a global and fast-growing workforce to complete highly granular, remote and decontextualized tasks. While these environments might be empowering to some workers, many ...
    • Maturity levels for outlaw groups: The case of criminal street gangs 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The maturity of street gangs varies among groups as well as among countries where gangs are present. In this article, a four stage model for maturity is introduced to help define the threat represented by outlaw groups. ...
    • Maturity Levels for Outlaw Groups: The Case of Hells Angels MC 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      McIntosh (2009) argues that from relatively humble beginnings, outlaw motorcycle gangs, such as the Hells Angels, Outlaws, Bandidos, Pagans, Sons of Silence, Mongols, Coffin Cheaters, Black Pistons and others have evolved ...
    • Maturity Levels for private internal investigations: The case of fraud examinations 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The purpose of private internal investigations by fraud examiners is to reconstruct the past by identifying past events and sequences of events. In this article, work by fraud examiners can be studied in terms of maturity, ...
    • Maximizing and customer loyalty: Are maximizers less loyal? 

      Lai, Linda (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Despite their efforts to choose the best of all available solutions, maximizers seem to be more inclined than satisficers to regret their choices and to experience post-decisional dissonance. Maximizers may therefore be ...
    • Maximizing strategic value from megaprojects: The influence of information-feed on decision-making by the project manager 

      Müller, Ralf; Eweje, John; Turner, Rodney (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Large projects are notorious for erosion of value during execution. Decisions made by project managers have a significant impact on the strategic value of the asset delivered, and those decisions depend on the information ...
    • Maximizing the service level on the makespan in the stochastic flexible job-shop scheduling problem 

      Flores-Gómez, Mario; Borodin, Valeria; Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper considers the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with stochastic processing times. To find a sequence insensitive to shop floor disturbances, the available probabilistic information related to the variability ...
    • Målbærende plan eller plankritisk prognose? Om budsjettets plass i målstyring 

      Tangenes, Tor; Gjønnes, Svein H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Problemstillingen som reises i denne artikkelen er hvilken rolle budsjettet bør ha i en læringsbasert målstyringskontekst, der vi konsentrerer oss om budsjettets målbærings- og prognosefunksjon. Internasjonale lærebøker ...
    • Måling av merkeassosiasjoner: Reaksjonstid som metode 

      Olsen, Lars Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Et viktig mål i merkeledelse er å posisjonere merket med relevante og unike assosiasjoner i kundenes hukommelse. Styrken på merkeassosiasjonene – hvor nært en assosiasjon er koblet til merket i hukommelsen – er svært viktig ...
    • Measurement error in multiple equations: Tobin’s q and corporate investment, saving, and debt 

      Chalak, Karim; Kim, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We characterize the sharp identification regions for the coefficients in a system of linear equations that share an explanatory variable measured with classical error. We demonstrate the identification gain from analyzing ...
    • Measurement Error Without the Proxy Exclusion Restriction 

      Chalak, Karim; Kim, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article studies the identification of the coefficients in a linear equation when data on the outcome, covariates, and an error-laden proxy for a latent variable are available. We maintain that the measurement error ...
    • Measurement invariance of the modified brand luxury index scale across gender, age and countries 

      Yu, Shubin; Hudders, Liselot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Many instruments have been developed to measure the perceived luxuriousness of brands, but one of the most frequently used scales is the ‘brand luxury index’ (BLI) from Vigneron and Johnson (2004) that distinguishes between ...
    • Measuring program success 

      Shao, Jingting; Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Growth in the use of programs has led to a requirement of understanding what constitute program success. A measurement construct for program success, which comprises four dimensions, namely, delivery capability, organizational ...