Book chapters: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-38 of 38
Who’s got the time? Temporary organizing under temporal institutional complexity
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)This chapter addresses the challenges associated with temporary organising under conditions of institutional complexity. The authors draw on findings from an in-depth case study of a megaproject initiated to reshape ... -
New normal, new leaders? Time for resilience and post-heroic leadership
(Chapter, 2020)The chapter focuses on COVID-19 as a wicked problem in a multi-dimensional space. It has medical, economic, business, sociological, technological, organizational, environmental, and psychological aspects that need to be ... -
Brukerbetaling i lokalaviser – en trussel for bruksmangfold og lokaldemokrati?
(Chapter, 2021)Mediepolitikken i Norge legger særlig vekt på å sikre tilgang til lokale medier i hele landet for å stimulere en felles, åpen og opplyst offentlig samtale. Denne ambisjonen er knyttet til en overordnet målsetting om å bidra ... -
Wittgenstein’s Revenge: How Semantic Algorithms Can Help Survey Research Escape Smedslund’s Labyrinth
(Chapter, 2020)Empirical research has shown how semantic algorithms can often predict the statistics of survey data a priori, particularly in topics like “leadership” and “motivation.” In those cases, the survey data reflect the language ... -
Opphavsrett, håndheving og mangfold
(Chapter, 2021)Kapittelet analyser opphavsrettens betydning for mangfold i distribusjon og innhold. I en komparativ rettsøkonomisk analyse sammenlignes gjennomføringen av EUs Infosoc-direktiv i norsk, svensk og dansk rett. Funnene viser ... -
Når det synger i livsnerven: Motivasjon i organisasjoner fra et narrativt perspektiv
(Chapter, 2016)Hva driver og motiverer personer som skaper ekstraordinære prestasjoner i organisasjoner? Hovedsvaret jeg undersøker her, er en brennende higen etter livsberikelse – en skapende kraft som kommer i mange varianter, og som ... -
How strategic communication facilitates the internationalization of firms: A situational framework
(Chapter, 2019)This chapter examines the specific role of strategic communication as a facilitator for business internationalization. It provides a new and comprehensive rationale for explaining the contribution of strategic communication ... -
Executive Education
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)Summary Executive education, defined as consisting of short, intensive non-degree programs offered by university business schools to attract people who are in or close to top executive positions, is a vital part of modern ... -
Utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og norsk tilknytning til EU
(Chapter, 2020)I kapittelet drøfter vi utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og Norges forhold til EU. Mens eierskap i fangst hovedsakelig er nasjonalt, er oppdrettsnæringen preget av multinasjonale selskaper. Norge og mange EU-land ... -
The Influence of Demographics, Attitudinal and Behavioural Characteristics on Motives to Participate in the Sharing Economy and Expected Benefits of Participation
(Chapter, 2021)The sharing economy is a relevant economic phenomenon of recent times and important for sustainable economic growth. This chapter considers the motivational factors that drive and hinder participation in the sharing economy. ... -
Policing and prosecution of cybercrime
(Chapter, 2019)Policing cybercrime faces the challenge of determining the authenticity of messages by using judgment, intuition and deductive reasoning. A cybercrime investigation can be seen as composed of a number of discrete yet linked ... -
Sustainability: A Wicked Problem Needing New Perspectives
(Chapter, 2018) -
Rings of fire: Training for systems thinking and broadened impact
(Chapter, 2017)What is the impact of training and development activities at work? In this chapter we argue that such a question should not only be an academic concern but also one that gets is built into all decisions about training. The ... -
The internationalization of Executive education
(Chapter, 2019) -
Creativity, innovation, and the production of wealth
(Chapter, 2018-02)This chapter offers an historic introduction to the broad field of innovation studies with an eye towards ethical matters. Four fundamental issues are highlighted. In the first section, I delineate how the concept of ... -
Innholdsmarkedsføring i praksis
(Chapter, 2016)This chapter is partly conceptual, based on state-of-the-art market communication and public relations research, and partly empirical, based on text analysis and interviews with industry practitioners and leaders. We ... -
Juridiske og etiske rammer for innholdsmarkedsføring
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)This chapter investigates the legal and ethical framework for content marketing. The use of content marketing necessitates special considerations due to its legal implications for the marketer. In addition, legal rules ... -
A value structured approach to conflicts in environmental management
(Chapter, 2012)