Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 4238-4257 of 6610
OBX-VIX: The predictability of OBX returns and asymmetric relationship between implied volatility and returns
(Master thesis, 2022)In this paper, we have constructed an implied volatility index for the Norwegian equity market (OBX-VIX). We have tested its properties and have used it to look at the asymmetric relationship between implied volatility and ... -
Occupational Prestige and Occupational Social Value in the United Kingdom: New Indices for the Modern British Economy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sociological research has long been interested in occupational evaluation. However, occupational research remains hampered by conceptual ambiguity and methodological problems. To address these issues, we present new indices ... -
(Master thesis, 2022)Oppgaven starter med et kort sammendrag av bakteppe for regelverksutviklingen som har ledet til beløp A. Det har lenge vært internasjonal misnøye med hvordan den digitale økonomien beskattes. Store multinasjonale selskaper ... -
Offenders or victims? Convenient self-portraits of white-collar criminals in their autobiographies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)It is often argued that the guilty mind seems more absent among whitecollar criminals than street criminals. This article presents self-portraits of six White-collar criminals in their autobiographies from Germany, Norway, ... -
Offentlig-private partnerskap som supplement til det offentlige velferdstilbudet
(Research Report, Research report, 2005)Bærum kommune /Frivillighetssentralen har gjennom en fireårsperiode gjort forsøk med å engasjere private bedrifter i partnerskap med kommunen. De to første årene var prosjektet underlagt Frivillighetssentralen i Bærum ... -
Offentlige anskaffelser av innovasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Samfunnsmessige utfordringer vil prege fremtiden og det er et økende behov etter innovative løsninger. Offentlig sektor kan etterspørre innovasjon gjennom sine prosjekter «anskaffelser av innovasjon». Etter å ha gjennomgått ... -
#offline - legg bort mobiltelefonen og spar liv!
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)SAMMENDRAG Dette er en bacheloroppgave i kampanjeplanlegging og vår avsluttende oppgave ved Handelshøyskolen BI Bergen. I denne oppgaven presenteres en kommunikasjonskampanje med hensikt å forebygge mobilbruk i trafikken ... -
Offshore Oil and Gas as Industrial Driver
(Forskningsrapport;3/2013, Research report, 2013)The project “Oil and gas as Industrial Driver” is a further development of professor Torger Reve’s nation-wide research project “Knowledge-based Norway” (2012). Common for the two projects is the cluster perspective on ... -
Offshore outsourcing: a dynamic, operation mode perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Based on a case study of the Danish company SimCorp and the development of its operations in Kiev, Ukraine, we analyse offshore outsourcing in a broader, longitudinal foreign operation mode context, and how it may contribute ... -
Offshorerederiene: Konsolidering eller konkurs
(Forskningsrapport;3/2016, Research report, 2016-12)Offshore rederiene har i en årrekke tatt på seg for høy gjeld i et forsøk på å holde tritt med den vedvarende økende etterspørselen på norsk sokkel. Samtidig oppstod en slags «ettbenthet» i næringen der nesten alt fokus ... -
Oil and Civil Conflict: On and Off (Shore)
(CAMP Working Paper Series;1/2017, Working paper, 2017)We reconsider the relationship between oil and conflict, focusing on the location of oil resources. In a panel of 132 countries over the period 1962-2009, we show that oil windfalls increase the probability of conflict in ... -
Oil and Fiscal Policy Regimes
(CAMP Working Paper Series;11, Working paper, 2020-12-29)We analyse fiscal policy responses in oil rich countries by developing a Bayesian regime-switching panel country analysis. We use parameter restrictions to identify procyclical and countercyclical fiscal policy regimes ... -
Oil and Government Expenditures: The Short Run Versus the Long Run Effect
(Master thesis, 2018)Dependency on oil rents (the difference between oil revenue and production cost) may not be sustainable over the short or the long run for oil dependent countries. Oil rents fluctuate with the oil price which is known ... -
Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability
(CAMP Working Paper Series;7/2015, Working paper, 2015)We analyze the role of oil price volatility in reducing U.S. macroeconomic instability. Using a regime-switching structural model we revisit the timing of the Great Moderation and the sources of changes in ... -
Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability
(CAMP Working Paper Series;No. 6/2017, Working paper, 2017-11)We analyze the role of oil price volatility in reducing U.S. macroeconomic insta- bility. Using a Markov Switching Rational Expectation New-Keynesian model we revisit the timing of the Great Moderation and the sources of ... -
Oil and political survival
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Political economy theories on the “natural resource curse” predict that natural resource wealth is a determining factor for the length of time political leaderships remain in office. Whether resource wealth leads to longer ... -
Oil and the Stock Market Revisited: A mixed functional VAR approach
(CAMP Working Paper Series;03/2023, Working paper, 2023-03-13)This paper proposes a new mixed vector autoregression (MVAR) model to examine the relationship between aggregate time series and functional variables in a multivariate setting. The model facilitates a re examination of the ... -
Oil and US GDP: A Real-Time Out-of Sample Examination
(CAMP Working Paper Series;2/2011, Working paper, 2011)We study the real-time predictive content of crude oil prices for US real GDP growth through a pseudo out-of-sample (OOS) forecasting exercise. Comparing our benchmark model "without oil" against alternatives "with oil," ... -
Oil price density forecasts: Exploring the linkages with stock markets
(CAMP Working Paper Series;3/2012, Working paper, 2012)In the recent years several commentators hinted at an increase of the correlation between equity and commodity prices, and blamed investment in commodity-related products for this. First, this paper investigates such ... -
Oil price dynamics : analyses of macro economy & stock markets for ten countries
(Master thesis, 2017)In this paper, the aim of research is to investigate the effects of oil price upon economic growth and stock market returns in ten net oil-dependent countries. We apply four different modifications to crude oil price and ...