Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 2258-2277 of 6610
Gain initial endorsement from the core: market entry, initial partners, and embeddedness in the venture capital market
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study draws attention to the embedding process of market entrants, by examining the initial and subsequent partnerships of de alio entrants versus de novo entrants. Although de alio entrants have access to superior ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I denne studien ønsker vi å bidra til den eksisterende forskningen på gamification innen digital markedsføring, samtidig som vi vil gi praktiske innsikter og anbefalinger for markedsførere som ønsker å optimalisere ... -
Gamification : A potential game changer within the field of charity
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Gamification as a Marketing Tool in Life-defining Decision-making Processes
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the influence of gamification on the ease of life-defining decision-making processes, with a particular focus on its application in marketing. By employing various statistical analyses, the study ... -
Gaming in the Military: A Longitudinal Study of Changes in Gaming Behavior Among Conscripts During Military Service and Associated Risk Factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A central task in military leadership is to take care of one's followers, which presupposes knowledge about relevant risk factors. Very little research has focused on the risks of developing problematic gaming behavior ... -
garchx: Flexible and Robust GARCH-X Modeling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The garchx package provides a user-friendly, fast, flexible, and robust framework for the estimation and inference of GARCH(p, q, r)-X models, where p is the ARCH order, q is the GARCH order, r is the asymmetry or leverage ... -
The gatekeeper's dilemma: Political selection or team effort
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Political parties play a crucial gatekeeping role in elections, including controlling electoral resources, candidate recruitment, and electoral list compositions. In making these strategic choices, parties aim to encourage ... -
Gatekeepers as Safekeepers—Mapping Audiences’ Attitudes towards News Media’s Editorial Oversight Functions during the COVID-19 Crisis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study investigates people’s attitudes towards news media’s role as gatekeepers during the coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, this concerns news media’s quality control and the selection of the most important news ... -
Gathering Expert Opinions for Social Robots' Ethical, Legal, and Societal Concerns: Findings from Four International Workshops
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Social robots, those that exhibit personality and communicate with us using high-level dialogue and natural cues, will soon be part of our daily lives. In this paper, we gather expert opinions from different international ... -
Går alt etter planen
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-06-01)Bacheloroppgaven omhandler planleggingen for utbygging – og ombyggings prosjektet til bedriften Polarbröd AB. Det er et svensk foretak plassert i Bredbyn som ligger i Väster-Norrland i Sverige, som produserer brød. Firmaet ... -
Gender and Crime: Convenience for Pink-Collar Offenders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Traditionally, research on the gender fraction of women in white-collar crime has focused on female lack of financial motive, organizational opportunity, and personal willingness for deviant behavior. This article applies ... -
Gender and White-Collar Crime in Norway: An Empirical Study of Media Reports
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Purpose: Recent work on gender and white-collar crime is extended through a case study examining gender differences in white-collar crime in Norway. Methods: Based on a content analysis of reports in Norwegian newspapers ... -
Gender and White-Collar Crime: Convenience in Target Selection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We find support for the idea that gender affects target selection when committing white-collar crime. Based on the theory of convenience, we argue that male and female offenders vary in their perceptions of convenience ... -
Gender Diversity and Earnings Management: A study on Norwegian Firms
(Master thesis, 2023)Due to the ethical and moral complexities associated with earnings management, the examination of gender differences has generated interest in relation to the quality of earnings reporting. However, the available studies ... -
Gender diversity and innovation performance: Evidence from R&D workforce in Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Compared to gender diversity in top management teams (TMTs) and board of directions, gender diversity in research and development (R&D) organisations, and its relationship with firm’s innovation performance, has received ... -
Gender diversity and its impact on firms’ financial performance
(Master thesis, 2019)In this research, we examine if there exists a link between board gender diversity and financial performance, hereunder what is believed to be the very worst of financial performance – bankruptcies. After the gender ... -
Gender Diversity on Boards and Firm Financial Performance: A study of Norwegian firms
(Master thesis, 2022)We examine the effect of gender diversity on boards on firm financial performance. Our data are Norwegian AS and ASA firms from 2002 to 2020. As previous literature on this topic is ambiguous, we start by presenting economic ... -
Gender Diversity on the Board of Directors and CEO Compensation in Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)In 2003, Norway passed a gender balance law requiring public limited companies to have at least 40% of each gender represented on the board by 2008. This paper contributes to the understanding of the effects of increased ... -
Gender in the Boardroom: Learnings from world-leader Norway
(FACTBase Bulletin;, Research report, 2018)The key findings of this Bulletin are: • Voluntary actions to get more women on boards did not work in Norway. A legal quota for gender balance was therefore implemented. Many countries have been influenced by the snowball ... -
Gender in White-Collar Crime: An Empirical Study of Pink-Collar Criminals
(Journal article, 2013)White-collar crime is financial crime committed by white-collar criminals. Sensational white-collar crime cases regularly appear in the international business press and studies in journals of ethics and crime. This article ...