Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 1440-1459 of 6610
E-mobilitet markedet: Merverdiavgiftbehandling el-bil ladning på tvers av landegrensene EU
(Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å belyse problemstillinger rundt merverdiavgift behandling av e-mobilitet tjenester relatert til el-bil ladning i det internasjonale markedet. Gjennom de siste tiårene har det vokst frem et ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2012-10-18)Formålet med denne bacheloroppgaven er å bearbeide den valgte problemstillingen. Denne oppgaven vil med hjelp fra undersøkelser, analyser og teori kartlegge veien til markedet for bedriften e-Scape AS. Blant annet skal ... -
E-scooter – convenience versus environment: a green innovation value chain analysis of transportation in urban areas
(Master thesis, 2020)Abstract The need for more sustainable transport methods have been highlighted due to challenges such as traffic congestion, greenhouse gas emissions and pollution in urban areas. The shared electric scooters have become ... -
Early indicators of self-esteem in teenagers: Findings from a nationally representative sample
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study explored a longitudinal data set of 3096 British sixteen year olds with data collected in 1970, 1980, and 1986. It examined how parental social status at birth; intelligence, locus of control and behavioural ... -
Early Predictors of Alpha and Beta Personality Factors in Adulthood
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study examined the predictors of two higher factors of personality (Alpha and Beta) using a large nationally representative sample. In total, we had 5,476 participants data on family social status measured at birth, ... -
Early-career and positive-deviant leaders in practice - A qualitative study of Sales Executives at CHG-MERIDIAN
(Master thesis, 2020)Given the general importance of leadership in today’s rapidly changing business world, our thesis aims to investigate early-career success in the framework of a case study at a company that operates in the sales and ... -
Earnings announcements in China: Overnight-intraday disparity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Based on a unique arrangement of trading and disclosure times around earnings announcements in the Chinese stock market, we provide evidence of a striking overnight-intraday disparity in terms of the reaction to earnings ... -
Earnings dynamics and top-earnings inequality
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;01/2025, Working paper, 2025-02)We introduce a simple generalization of the canonical permanent-transitory earnings process, a square-root process. The square-root process generates a Pareto tail in earnings and is able to match the dynamics of top-earnings ... -
Earnings management during CEO turnovers
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis addresses the question of whether CEO changes in Norwegian publicly listed firms leads to earnings management efforts by accruals. We further explore the characteristics around the CEO change and specifics ... -
Earnings management og IPOs : en empirisk studie av det norske aksjemarkedet
(Master thesis, 2014-02-17)Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i 312 børsnoteringer (IPOs) på Oslo Børs i perioden 1995 – 2011, og undersøker hvorvidt selskapene bevisst styrer sine regnskapsmessige resultater i denne forbindelse. Selskaper som noteres på ... -
Earnings Management Priorities of Private Family Firms
(CCGR Working Paper;3/2010, Working paper, 2010)We compare earnings management priorities of private family and private non-family firms. Our study is made possible by the availability of a new and unique database on family relationships between CEOs, board members and ... -
An earth system model shows self-sustained melting of permafost even if all man-made GHG emissions stop in 2020
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The risk of points-of-no-return, which, once surpassed lock the world into new dynamics, have been discussed for decades. Recently, there have been warnings that some of these tipping points are coming closer and are too ... -
An earth system model shows self-sustained melting of permafrost even if all man-made GHG emissions stop in 2020
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The risk of points-of-no-return, which, once surpassed lock the world into new dynamics, have been discussed for decades. Recently, there have been warnings that some of these tipping points are coming closer and are too ... -
ECEC Professionals’ Views on Partnerships with Parents in Multicultural Classrooms in Four European Countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Partnerships between parents and professionals in early childhood education and care (ECEC) are widely acknowledged as important for children’s well-being, learning, and development. As children with immigrant backgrounds ... -
Ecolabels in the market of red meat – Is it effective?
(Master thesis, 2022)This study examines the effect of third-party certified (TPC) ecolabels on the purchase intention of red meat products. In addition, the moderating effect of ecolabel credibility and environmental concern were investigated. ... -
Econometric vs artmap prediction of economic choice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Forecasting economic behaviour is an important problem with practical implications for a number of scienti c disciplines, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing and economic psychology. The ability to predict ... -
An economic analysis of topics in law regarding a broad interpretation of Article 101(3) TFEU, which considers sustainability
(Master thesis, 2024)The thesis deliberates how incorporating sustainability into the interpretation of Article 101(3) TFEU is considered consistent with the objectives of EU competition law and thus the legislative intent. The motivation ... -
Economic and Political Foundations of Local Tax Structures: An Empirical Investigation of Flemish Municipalities’ Tax Mix
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Building on the revenue structure theory developed by Hettich and Winer (1984, 1988, 1999), this paper is the first to investigate the economic and political determinants of local tax mix choices. We thereby use panel data ... -
Economic and social leader-member exchange relationships
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This exploratory study investigated the link between economic and social leader-member exchange relationships and follower work performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Instead of viewing exchange relationships ... -
An Economic Assessment of The Single- Use Plastic Directive: Directive (EU) 2019/90
(Master thesis, 2023)Plastic pollution is rising as a global issue. Consequently, enormous amounts of plastic marine litter are observed worldwide in the oceans. To tackle the issue on a European level, the European Commission introduced the ...