Now showing items 5716-5735 of 6201

    • Trust After Just 45 Seconds? An Experimental Vignette Study of How Leader Behavior and Emotional States Influence Immediate Trust in Strangers 

      Olsen, Olav Kjellevold; van Heesch, Philip; Søreide, Christian; Hystad, Sigurd William (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Many critical and unexpected situations are handled by people that have never met. In the literature, development of immediate trust has been identified as a prerequisite for such temporary groups and leadership to function ...
    • Trust and Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa 

      Skadberg, Marcus André; Hvale, Herman (Master thesis, 2023)
      Our paper explores the intricate relationship between trust and foreign direct investment (FDI) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We aim to answer the research question: “Is there a positive relationship between trust and ...
    • Trust building in non-virtual and virtual teams 

      Havn Vik, Silje; Sætre, Maria Aadland (Master thesis, 2022)
      The world is becoming more virtual, and the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how virtual teams are going to be a bigger part of the future, with several organizations considering incorporating a hybrid workspace layout. When ...
    • Trusted Chief Executives in Convenient White-Collar Crime 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Convenience exists in the financial motive, the organizational opportunity, and the personal willingness for deviant behavior. These three themes can result in 14 convenience propositions as presented in this article. In ...
    • Trusting Artificial Intelligence: How Perceived Situational Risik and Digital Mindset Can Influence lndiuiduals Decision to Rely 

      Salvesen, Hanna B. H.; Møller, Helena Tournaire (Master thesis, 2022)
      In this thesis, we aim to investigate how domains of perceived situational risk will influence an individual’s decision to rely on an artificially intelligent decision aid to perform a decision-making task. We also aim ...
    • Trusting others: The polarization effect of need for closure 

      Acar-Burkay, Sinem; Fennis, Bob; Warlop, Luk (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Because trust-related issues inherently involve uncertainty, we expected individuals’ social-cognitive motivation to manage uncertainty—which is captured by their need for closure—to influence their level of trust in ...
    • Tryg Forsikring 

      Bratland, Karoline Borge; Bergh, Rebecca Råheim Hiis (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven er skrevet i fordypningsfaget Forretningsutvikling og digitalisering ved Handelshøyskolen BI - Campus Bergen. Oppgaven handler om hvordan Tryg Forsikring kan effektivisere arbeidsprosesser for ...
    • Trygg Trafikk Det er fett å bli sett 

      Lauvdal, Yvonne; Gimnes, Ina Østhus (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven presenterer en holdningskampanje på vegne av trafikkorganisasjonen Trygg Trafikk. Organisasjonen er bidragsyter til nullvisjonen, som er regjeringens visjon om et transportsystem uten drepte ...
    • Trygghet i Endringenes tid - Psykologisk trygghet, tillit og ytringsklima i en bedrift som er i endring 

      Hus, Helga; Askeland, Torhild; Bernardi, Tamara (Master thesis, 2022)
      Vi er tre studenter på masterprogrammet Helse, Miljø og Sikkerhet som har samarbeidet om å skrive denne prosjektoppgaven. Da vi skulle velge tema for oppgaven ønsket vi å forske på noe som var relevant og interessant for ...
    • Trying too hard or not hard enough: How effort shapes status 

      Warren, Nathan; Warren, Caleb (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Is trying to earn status effective or self-defeating? We show that whether effort increases or decreases admiration and respect (i.e., status) depends on how the person is trying to earn status. Groups evaluate people along ...
    • Tummelplatz : exploring playgrounds for creative collaborations : a qalitative study of generative dynamics within temporary work contexts 

      Aanes, Emily Moren; Trifunović, Dragana (Master thesis, 2014-02-17)
      This paper presents the idea that temporary, creative collaborations within knowledge-intense industries can be understood through the tummelplatz –metaphor. ‘Tummelplatz’ was first introduced by Sigmund Freud (1856 -1959) ...
    • Turning Consumers into Providers in the Sharing Economy: Exploring the Impact of Demographics and Motives 

      Angelovska, Julijana; Čeh Časni, Anita; Lutz, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The sharing economy is an emerging industry with potential for ensuring sustainable economic growth since it is based on underused resources. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of demographic characteristics ...
    • Turning customer satisfaction measurements into action 

      Lervik-Olsen, Line; Witell, Lars; Gustafsson, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature on customer orientation by developing and empirically testing a model that attempts to explain the elements that constitute customer orientation and ...
    • TV-income and football performance: A study of how broadcasting revenues affect domestic and international sporting success for Europe’s elite leagues 

      Henriksen, Andreas Gausemel; Stensager, Carl Magnus (Master thesis, 2018)
      Europe's elite football leagues are often defined by the collective term “the Big Five”, and consist of clubs originating from England, Spain, Italy, Germany and France. By dominating both the UEFA Club Coefficient Ranking ...
    • Tvangsmulkt - et virkemiddel for å fremme innlevering av aksjonærregisteroppgaven 

      Skarstein, Silje (Master thesis, 2023)
      Skatteforvaltningsloven (sktfvl.) trådte i kraft 1. januar 2017 og lovens bestemmelser om tvangsmulkt i §§ 14-1 og 14-2, erstattet de tidligere reglene om forsinkelsesavgift i ligningsloven. Innføringen av tvangsmulkt har ...
    • Tvangssalg 

      Walthinsen, Ragnhild B.; Gabrielsen, Tomas (Bachelor thesis, 2010-10-15)
      Vi har i denne oppgaven tatt for oss tvangssalg av eiendom og sett på hva en kjøper bør være spesielt oppmerksom på ved denne typen kjøp. Ved å belyse sentrale områder innenfor temaet har vi forsøkt å lage en slags veiledning ...
    • Tverrfaglige team på fastlegekontor - har Primærhelseteam det som skal til for å være effektive team? 

      Madsen, Kate Benedicte; Uglenes, Inger Cecilia; Fougner, Simen (Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven har vi sett nærmere på et innovasjonsprosjekt på fastlegekontor der teamorganisering av arbeidet prøves ut. Vi har undersøkt følgende problemstilling: Finner vi Hackman sine fem faktorer for effektive ...
    • Twitter and stock returns 

      Forbergskog, Jens-Otto; Blom, Christer Ryland (Master thesis, 2014-02-19)
      In this thesis, we investigate whether the sentiment of tweets mentioning stock tickers can be used to predict stock performance. In particular we test for leading and lagged relationships between the percentage of ...
    • Twitter as driver of stock price 

      Jubbega, Annika (Master thesis, 2012-04-26)
      The goal of this research is to examine the dynamic relationship of Twitter and stock price, by examining the effects for the ten most valuable brands according Interbrand (2010): Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, Google, McDonald’s, ...
    • Two-sided advertising in the EV market 

      Solås, Ane; Li, Xi (Master thesis, 2023)
      Two-sided advertising is a marketing approach where both pros and cons of a product are presented. In the context of advertising, consumers may feel skeptical or suspicious when they are exposed to only positive claims ...