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The Effect of Benchmarking on Public School Performance
(Master thesis, 2018)Theory on public policy processes together with a range of private sector evidence suggest that implementing benchmarking improves efficiency, and thereby may work to improve public policy outcomes. A similar prediction ... -
The effect of CEO-specific heterogeneity on firm’s policies: Empirical evidence from Norwegian companies
(Master thesis, 2018)This study aims to investigate whether CEO heterogeneous characteristics influence a company’s performance and shape its corporate behavior. The focus is on non-listed Norwegian firms and such observable characteristics ... -
The effect of corporate social responsibility announcements on a company's stock returns and market efficiency
(Master thesis, 2014-01-28)In this thesis we study the effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) announcements on a company’s stock returns. We focus on announcements among American corporations from 2005-2012. We perform an event study where ... -
The effect of corporate tax avoidance on investments, and its relationship to firm liquidity
(Master thesis, 2017)Despite decades of tax and investment research, little is known about the relationship between a firm's ability to avoid income taxes and its level of investments. For instance, several researchers conclude that firms’ ... -
The effect of customer information during new product development on profits from goods and services
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Purpose – This study aims to investigate how customer information obtained at different phases of a new product development (NPD) process influences profits from new offerings. Design/methodology/approach – ... -
The effect of fear‐inducing content on memory for advertisements and on retroactive and proactive interference of programme information
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The current study focused on whether fear‐inducing content in television advertisements leads to better memory for the advertisement but also impairs memory for programme information that either precedes the advertisements ... -
The effect of internet usage on voter turnout in the European Union
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis investigates the effect of internet usage on voter turnout in the European Union over the sample period from 1990 to 2016. The methodology applies is both ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation and ... -
The effect of investor sentiment on stock returns in Norway and Vietnam
(Master thesis, 2014-02-10)This study investigates the effects of investor sentiment on stock returns in the Norwegian and Vietnamese stock markets. The model introduced by Baker and Wurgler (2006) has been utilized in which a composite sentiment ... -
The effect of music tempo on perceived crowding in retailing
(Master thesis, 2016)In the marketing field the influence of in-store atmospherics on consumers’ shopping behavior is widely accepted. We seek to understand the effects of instore music tempo on perceived crowding and how music tempo can ... -
The Effect of Nudging on Source Separation Behaviour
(Master thesis, 2019)This research aimed to study whether nudges through general visuals prompt and social norms through framing would increase the amount of source separated waste in kilos. Also, we included the element of time to see ... -
The effect of oil prices on field production: evidence from the Norwegian continental shelf
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)I use detailed field‐level data on Norwegian offshore oil production and a semi‐parametric additive model to control for the production profile of fields to estimate the effect of oil prices on production. I find no ... -
The effect of oil prices on field production: Evidence from the Norwegian Continental Shelf
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I use detailed field-level data on Norwegian offshore oil production and a semi-parametric additive model to control for the production profile of fields to estimate the effect of oil prices on production. I find no ... -
The effect of political stability and confidence in economic policy on cross-border fixed income portfolio allocation
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis investigates the extent of home bias in bond portfolios in 20 countries, in the time period 2001 to 2016. In additional to traditional drivers of portfolio optimization, we consider the impact of the financial ... -
The effect of problem solving approaches on creativity, fixation, and enacted task complexity.
(Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of problem solving approaches on the creative process and the creative outcome. Particularly, we explored the effect of action-oriented problem ... -
The Effect of Sexual Programme Content on the Recall of Foreign Sexual and Non-sexual Advertisements
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study explored the effect of programme content (sexual and non-sexual) on the recall of sexual and non-sexual advertisements. Seventy-eight participants were allocated randomly to four different groups and viewed ... -
The effect of shopping mall's composition on store revenue : an empirical study
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07) -
The effect of small firms’ competitive strategies on their community and environmental engagement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature holds that CSR can help firms gain a competitive advantage by enabling them to differentiate themselves from their competition and reduce costs. In the strategy literature, ... -
The Effect of Tangible Brand Components on the Sales of Digital Experience Brands
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis conducts research to explore the effects of tangible brand components on the sales of digital experience brands. It argues that while the chosen tangible brand components (COO, logo edge sharpness, difference ... -
The effect of the 2006 tax reform on the companies' capital structure
(Master thesis, 2013-02-19)This paper investigates the interrelationship between leverage and ownership concentration in the case of Norwegian non-listed firms while considering the effects of the 2006 Norwegian tax reform. This paper finds that the ... -
The effect of the financial crisis on crossborder equity portfolio diversification
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)This thesis investigates the effect of the recent financial crisis on cross-border equity portfolio diversification using the IMF’s Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) data from 2001-2011. The analysis on 27 ...