Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 4423-4442 of 6238
Privacy Resignation, Apathy, and Cynicism: Introduction to a Special Theme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The growing trend of collecting data about individuals to track past actions and infer future attitudes and behaviors has fueled popular and scholarly interest in the erosion of privacy. Recent shifts in technologies around ... -
Privacy-As-A-Quality Parameter of Competition
(Chapter, 2019)Recent decisions from the European Commission recognise privacy as an important parameter of non-price (quality) competition in markets for communication services and professional social networks. This development acknowledges ... -
Privat arbeidsformidling
(Research Report, Research report, 2003)I denne rapporten diskuteres hvorvidt offentlig finansiert privat arbeidsformidling kan være et egnet virkemiddel i arbeidsmarkedspolitikken. Videre analyseres mulige effekter av å introdusere aktivitetsbasert finansiering ... -
Private Equity Home Bias in the Nordics
(Master thesis, 2022)Our study analyzes the home bias in private equity deals conducted in the Nordics. We find that Nordic private equity companies outperform their non-Nordic peers when investing in the Nordics by delivering a 17% higher IRR ... -
Private Family Firms and Distribution of Control: Evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Using a sample of 1 701 newly started Norwegian private family firms, where the CEO also is from the founding family, (family firms), in the period from 2000 through 2015, this thesis investigates the survivability, ... -
Private film financing: Gains and losses in the Norwegian film sector
(Research Report, Research report, 2008)In a white paper to the parliament the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs in 2004 noted that while many of the recent national films could show a healthy return on its private capital of more than 50 percent ... -
Private information and bank-loan pricing: The effectof upcoming corporate spinoffs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Corporate spinoffs are important events that are accompanied by valuation and credit-risk implications for the parent firm. Among other benefits, spinoffs can improve corporate focus and enhance valuation transparency. In ... -
Private internal reports as evidence in court: The case of Stangeskovene investigation in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Fraud examiners, financial crime specialists and counter fraud specialists are in the business of private internal investigations for their clients. In the case of Stangeskovene in Norway a verdict from Oslo District ... -
Private Investigations of White-Collar Crime Suspicions: A Qualitative Study of the Blame Game Hypothesis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The activity of private investigations by fraud examiners is a business of lawyers, auditors and other professionals who investigate suspicions of financial crime by white-collar criminals. This article presents results ... -
Private Label Embarrassment: The Effects of Checkout Type and Brand Type on Purchase Intention, and the Mediating Role of Embarrassment
(Master thesis, 2023)This master’s thesis dives into the unexplored topic of private label embarrassment. Specifically, we were interested in whether private labels are more embarrassing compared to national brands and whether self-service ... -
Private police legitimacy: The case of internal investigations by fraud examiners
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Fraud examiners in white-collar crime investigations represent private policing of financial crime. Examiners in crime investigations reconstruct the past to create an account of who did what to make it happen or let it ... -
Private Policing of Financial Crime: Fraud Examiners in White-Collar Crime Investigations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Fraud examiners in white-collar crime investigations represent private policing of financial crime. Examiners in crime investigations reconstruct the past to create an account of who did what to make it happen or let it ... -
Private Policing of White-Collar Crime: Case Studies of Internal Investigatons by Fraud Examiners
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Private policing of white-collar crime has been a controversial issue for quite some time. Fraud examiners from global auditing firms and local law firms conduct internal investigations, resulting in reports of investigations ... -
Proactivity at work: The roles of respectful leadership and leader group prototypicality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We propose that two aspects of leadership, perceived respectful leadership and the degree of leaders’ prototypicality, positively affect employee proactivity. A multisource and multilevel field study of 234 employees ... -
Probabilistic Judgement Aggregation by Opinion Update
(Chapter, 2022)We consider a situation where agents are updating their probabilistic opinions on a set of issues with respect to the confidence they have in each other’s judgements. We adapt the framework for reaching a consensus introduced ... -
Probabilistic Quantile Factor Analysis
(CAMP Working Paper Series;05/2023, Working paper, 2023-08-03)This paper extends quantile factor analysis to a probabilistic variant that incorporates regularization and computationally efficient variational approximations. By means of synthetic and real data experiments it is ... -
Problemløsing med kunstig intelligens: Bruk av Spacemaker i tidligfase eiendomsutvikling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Intelligent teknologi brukes i stadig større grad til å støtte problemløsing i organisasjoner. I denne studien utforsker vi hva som skjer med komplekse problemløsingsprosesser når kunstig intelligens introduseres og hvordan ... -
Procedural and interactional justice in talent management processes, affective organizational commitment and work-related stress: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation
(Master thesis, 2023)This conceptual paper provides insight into the dynamics of organizational justice, affective organizational commitment, and work-related stress, with intrinsic motivation serving as a mediator. Using the theory of ... -
The process of framing innovation activities: How strategic leaders erode their ideas for radical innovations
(Others, 2024)Understanding what impedes and facilitates radical innovation is crucial. This study introduces a process perspective on managerial cognition into the strategic leadership literature to elucidate the dynamics that contribute ...