Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 4412-4431 of 6609
Outsiders favor the most: Status and the heterogeneity of audience coverage in M&A deals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Uncertainty experienced by market audiences is the fundamental premise for status to take effect. Whereas prior research usually assumes that uncertainty is evenly distributed among audiences, this study emphasizes the ... -
Outsmarting Time: Foundation Models for Zero-Shot Forecasting
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis evaluates the performance of three foundation models – Chronos, TimeGPT and Moirai – in the context of the M3-Competition. The models are based on the Transformer architecture, a wildly successful architecture ... -
Outsourcing i turbulente tider
(Journal article, 2010)Outsourcing i norske bedrifter øker. Outsourcingsundersøkelsen 2009 viser at 54 % av bedriftene har outsourcet én eller flere funksjoner. I turbulente tider er fokus første og fremst rettet mot kostnadsreduksjoner og ... -
Outsourcing in Africa: How do the interactions between providers, multinationals, and the state lead to the evolution of the BPO industry?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We explore the evolution of Africa’s business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. In so doing, we seek to derive policy and managerial implications on how African suppliers can grow and become more attractive to foreign ... -
Over 80% inntektsskatt og gjerne 5% formuesskatt: om Thomas Pikettys Capital in the Twenty-First Century
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Thomas Pikettys bok Capital in the Twenty-First Century er det mest omtalte fagøkonomiske verk i nyere tid. For Piketty er omfordeling det viktigste økonomiske spørsmål. Han ønsker skattemessige løsninger som vanligvis ... -
Overcoming barriers : relation building in Brazil by new entrants from the Norwegian oil and gas SMEs
(Master thesis, 2014-02-25)The motivation and purpose for writing this term paper was to improve the knowledge and understanding of how Norwegian businesses can increase their success of entering in the Brazilian oil and gas industry market. The ... -
Overcoming Financial Barriers for Sustainable Development: A Focus on Tanzanian SMEs
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the financial barriers faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania and explores potential mitigation strategies to foster sustainable economic growth. Employing a multiple-case study ... -
Overcoming Financial Barriers for Sustainable Development: A Focus on Tanzanian SMEs
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the financial barriers faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania and explores potential mitigation strategies to foster sustainable economic growth. Employing a multiple-case study ... -
Overcoming the barriers of shopping fresh foods online : An explorative study of the Norwegian online grocery market
(Master thesis, 2022)Online grocery shopping is a rather new phenomenon but has had considerable growth during the last few years. As a result of the pandemic, online grocery shopping had an uplifting trend due to the need for less physical ... -
Overcoming the No-reputation Liability: A Qualitative Study on Startup Credibility and its Influence on B2B Purchase Decisions
(Master thesis, 2023)The objective of this thesis is to understand how credibility associated with being a startup affects B2B purchase decisions. In a rapidly changing globalised world, social and economic entrepreneurship are becoming ... -
Overcoming the Sustainability Liability: Can Stating Product Strength Increase Preference for Sustainable Products?
(Master thesis, 2021)Consumer demand for sustainable products is rising, but there is still a valueaction gap between consumers’ pro-green attitudes and purchase behavior. This might partly be attributed to consumers associating sustainable ... -
Overgangen fra prospektdirektiv til prospektforordning
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne avhandlingen handler om prospektforordningen som ble gjennomført i EU og EØS området den 21. juli i 2019. Avhandlingen analyserer hvordan prospektreglene avveier hensynet til investorvern opp imot utsteders byrder ... -
Overlapping semantics of leadership and heroism: expectations of omnipotence, identification with ideal leaders and disappointment in real managers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)People may confuse leadership with heroism due to the semantic overlap between their descriptions. This may explain some facets of fascination with leadership and obstructions to differentiated viewpoints of leadership as ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-06-01)Denne oppgaven handler om avslutningsfasen i prosjekter og mer spesifikt om prosessen med overlevering av bolig fra utbygger til sluttkunde. Vi har sett på hvordan Heimdal Bolig AS gjennomfører sine overleveringer og ... -
Overnight Return Anomalies in the Oslo Stock Exchange: Causes and Potential Exploitations
(Master thesis, 2023)We investigate the overnight return anomaly in the Oslo stock exchange, confirming that overnight returns significantly outperform intraday returns. We calculate fractions of value-weighted average prices (VWAP) throughout ... -
Overreaction Effect in Nordic Stock Markets: A Quantitative Analysis of a Contrarian Investment Strategy
(Master thesis, 2018)Research in behavioral finance suggests that investors are prone to violate Bayes’ theorem and thus irrationally conform to various heuristics. This challenges the Efficient Market Hypothesis and is reflected in the stock ... -
Overtrusting robots: Setting a research agenda to mitigate overtrust in automation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)There is increasing attention given to the concept of trustworthiness for artificial intelligence and robotics. However, trust is highly context-dependent, varies among cultures, and requires reflection on others’ ... -
Overtrusting Robots: Setting a Research Agenda to Mitigate Overtrust in Automation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)There is increasing attention given to the concept of trustworthiness for artificial intelligence and robotics. However, trust is highly context-dependent, varies among cultures, and requires reflection on others’ ... -
Ownership concentration, short-sale constraints and limits to arbitrage in the Norwegian stock market
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis examines whether high ownership concentration has an impact on shortsale constraints and therefore gives limits to arbitrage in the Norwegian Stock Market. With the use of methodology from Prado, Saffi, and ... -
Ownership dynamics : how ownership changes hands over time and the determinants of these changes
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)This paper investigates the determinants of ownership structure and adjustments in ownership for Norwegian private firms. We find that firm characteristics such as size, riskiness, profitability, growth prospects, leverage ...